Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Have the Happiness of Children

The holidays are focused around the children and even if there are no children in your immediate world there are still messages you can receive from them. I have been observing my 4 year old granddaughter and I have noticed things in her which seem universal with other children and it keeps them happy. Here are my observations and recommendations of how you too may be as free as a child.
  1. Do not walk, skip. You will get there faster and make people around you smile.
  2. Try to learn a new skill and keep at it till you master it. 
  3. Wake up and smile and begin talking about anything that comes into your head.
  4. Don't hold back any emotion, express them freely and to anyone you see.
  5. Smile and talk to strangers, this will brighten their day and yours as well.
  6. Once you have expressed your discontent let that feeling go, don't hold on.
  7.  Say I love you to your family and do it often.
  8.  Give out lots of hugs and kisses for no apparent reason.
Take a moment to watch the children in your family, at the shopping mall or on the street and see what other positive attributes you observe and add them to my list. Let me know what you find. 

Now go have fun!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Angels of the Holiday

I love the holidays, in fact I love any holiday but sometimes, (most of the time), I am in high gear and not really enjoying the moment at hand.  My head fills with so many ideas and naturally I feel I need to act upon them ASAP. This can drive my loving husband a bit crazy and it keeps me spinning. My suggestion to you as well as to myself is slow down and smell the roses or perhaps at this season, the snow and fresh crisp air.
We Are All Angels

At this time of the year many societies move their attention towards religious activities which then increases the vibration of the earth. This brings more light beings to surface. You will find that if you desire the assistance of higher light spirits you can easily connect to them. They are very close and are listening for our requests.

You may also find many people choose to leave this earthly plane through the change called death. Do not let this disturb you as they are wise in their decision to leave at this time for there is an increased angelic assistance which is available to them. This not only makes their transition smother but can ease the pain of those who are left on earth, if they will only open to and receive the added love of the season.

So as you rush around take a moment to tune into the love which surrounds you and then move on with your day wrapped in this love. And remember, my love and the love you share with others supports all beings, in body, out of body and ascended for we are the angels who walk this earth.

Many Blessing to You and Yours

Monday, December 6, 2010

Ya Got to Have a Sense of Humor

To get through life the ability to smile when things are not going as planned can really ease stress as well as spread a little joy in your life and those around you. It no doubt worked for the man who named this road and his humor touches numerous travelers who drive along I-8 in California.

The question in my mind was, who named this road and how they got the city to approve it?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Prepare for a Divine Day

If you want to learn how to meditate the first thing you will want to do is make it simple. If the task at hand becomes complicated and lengthy you will probably not continue with the practice.

When I awake in the morning my spiritual practice is to set my day into action by visualizing a light around my body, I then extend it to those I love and then out into the days events. This does not take very long to do. Some practices would encourage you to spend at least twenty minutes in deep meditation but I find that this may not be necessary. If you have already been meditating you may find this practice is set into your energy field and therefore does not need prolonged attention. Sending out the visual thought can be enough.

If you have not practiced stilling your mind through perhaps meditation MP3 or CDs you may benefit by giving the mind 5 to 10 minutes of quite contemplation. Once your mind registers the value of these quite periods you can enter into them to set an intention. It will only take a moment to give a positive charge to your desire and then you can go about your day knowing a bright force is guiding the actions of you and those around you.

As I was walking this morning I listened to a song I had not heard in sometime. It speaks of a melody which is carried by the ones we love. What a beautiful and simple analogy. Musical tones move us emotionally and set a tone for us to follow. When you think of balancing and centering an event, relationship or intention think of it as a melody and notice how easy and gentle the task becomes.
Who or what in your life carries the melody? We do not walk on this planet alone, there is always a song playing, who plays yours? Listen to the lyrics as Patti Austin sings "In My Life".

Enjoy your day from the start to the finish.

Friday, November 5, 2010

How Releasing Baggage Can Clear Your Mind

I’m not talking emotional baggage, though this process will support your emotional health as well; I’m talking about the physical stuff that has been hanging around you for years. Where is it? Is it in the garage, in the basement, in your closet, the kitchen drawers? Do I need to go on? You know where it is and there are also the hidden places that you never even thing of looking at. Now may be the time to clear the clutter and clear your mind. This is a physical process but you will find it can transform into spiritual gifts as well.

This is not a weekend project, it will take months as letting go comes in stages. First you do the obvious, the clutter that you are tripping over in the garage. The garage is where you keep your vehicle that propels you through life. Do you want to move forward? Then you better make a space for that to happen. What is in your garage, why are you keeping it? If it is about money ask yourself will I really use this in the future? Then figure out how much money you are saving by keeping it and does this hold enough value. Is the item you have obsolete, are the ones which are made now more efficient, can you rent one just as easily and not have this old form hanging around?  You make the decision and by looking at each item you are making those choices consciously rather than ignoring that they exist. This form of consciousness will then transfer to other parts of your life which need attention.

Now let’s look at your basement. What is hiding in the corners? How many years do those coats have to hang there before you realize that you are not going to wear them again? You have waited long enough, now they are out of style. How about items left over from an old project, business ideas, or children who have since left the home. The weight of these physical items are holding you back from finding and doing what warms your heart. The mind cannot become clear when it is cluttered with thoughts. It is the same with your physical environment, as you let go of the physical the emotional can release as well which creates a space for new ideas.

Just clean out one corner and notice how it feels. That lightness and clarity that you sense and feel in that small area will give you the initiative to continue with this clearing project. Now your mind can also clear and this clarity will transfer across and into your life.

Next you may want to venture into a place that you spend a lot of time preparing food and nurturing your body, the kitchen. Every time you open a drawer the sight of the clutter in that unkempt drawer is registered into your psyche. I spent time and cleaned out my junk drawer and actually did it twice. The first time it felt pretty good but within a month I again felt the need to rid this drawer of items which I realized were not of use. The second clearing is when it really started to resonate differently when I opened the drawer, I could quite a feeling of accomplishment. It just made me smile to look at it, all neat and tidy.

So often we try to change by reading books, taking seminars and physiotherapy, which all have value but the change happens when movement occurs. Everything has energy and when you just take the time to transfer that energy by discarding the old, unused, obsolete items, all the work you have done with these classes and books begins to take form. Now there is space for your energy field to integrate the information you have stored for all of these years. Then sit back and enjoy the clear view.

Try it and let me know how it works.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Being Psychic is Easier than You Think!

This morning I realized how effortless it can be to be intuitive. For the last week I have been thinking about how I can increase the bookings at my vacation rental home in Denver. I felt if I offered a reduced rate for late bookings perhaps I could increase my income. I jumped (well fell is more like it) out of bed and headed to my computer. I opened up my emails and there it was, someone who needed a rental next week and she was asking for a reduced rate and she was offering just the price I had in mind. Wow, now that is manifesting.

Being intuitive and applying your psychic abilities can become second nature when you allow yourself to become aware of what you are thinking. Thoughts have power and you can put them to your advantage when they are positive rather than letting them become blocks when they are negative.

Place Your Desires Out Into the Universe
Next time you desire to have a thing in your life which is constructive and will not harm another put your psychic charms to work. Keep a clear picture of what having this thing will look like and most of all feel like. Take the thought from your mind and place it out into the Universe where it can magnetically draw to you the people who can make it happen. Then sit back and allow the flow of the Universe to bring it to you.

Watch for my upcoming class, Are You Psychic, You Bet! January 11 - 6:30 at Full Moon Books in Lakewood Colorado, click here to find out more.

Check out the short video on this very subject.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Marnie Vincolisi: A Knock on the Door, open to Love

A Knock on the Door - Open to Love

The benefit of mediation is that it can awaken new perceptions rather quickly. I would like to share with you the realization and emotional opening I had while using sound technology for meditation at the Monroe Institute in West Virginia. During a meditation while using the Hemi-Sync tapes, I proposed a question to my higher self. I asked how I could increase the clarity of my third eye. In my mind’s eye I was given an apparatus which fit over my forehead and looked much like a telescope. As I contemplated this image I found that I could turn the telescope and receive visual clarity for questions held within in my mind. I realized somehow this was a connection to my opening to my inner sight at my third eye. What happened next was quite unexpected.

Our trainer Penny Holms began to tell us a story of when she was a child. Penny was 9 years old and acting her age and apparently needed a talking to from her mom Nancy Monroe. They both sat on the bed in Penny’s room and Nancy made reference to a picture Penny had over her bed of Jesus. Penny never told her mom but Penny felt that her sister Lori had everything better than her and even down to the pictures they had of Jesus hanging in their rooms. Her sister had a picture with flowers and pretty colors while Penny’s picture was dark and brown. Penny felt she had the short end of the stick once again.

Nancy turned to Penny and said, “Do you see this picture of Jesus?” as Penny silently remembers how she really feels about the dark drab, not as good as her sisters picture. Her mom continues, “What do you notice about it? Can you see there is no knob on the door?  This means it can only be opened from the inside.”

Being raised in a Christian household this picture if very familiar to me. I remember it from my Sunday school class at church; Jesus is standing in front of a door and knocking upon it. I never heard the true meaning of that picture until then. I began to process the information through my entire body. I felt the telescope at my forehead and its ability to open of my inner sight as new ideas began to manifest. I could see now no one was going to enter my domain, my heart, until I pushed open the door; it must be accessed from the within. Upon this realization, my heart began to open and my tears would not stop. This release continued for twenty minutes or more, afterward my whole body shook as I physically integrated this information on a cellular level.

Whatever your heart desires, be aware it could be standing outside your door but, until you open the door to greater understanding you will not see or receive it. The following “Life Tool”  is from Claiming Your Inner Gift, and it will show you how to reach for the knob, open the door. At that point you may want to step aside because the gift which you will claim is coming in, it is huge and delightful so give it a wide berth and then enjoy.

To connect with your own hearts love it will be helpful to imagine what that love might look like. This tool will give the emotion of love a solid form.


Life Tool:  Opening of the Heart    

Held within your heart are qualities to empower you. Here you will find the divine aspects of love, wisdom and power. Once these accolades are accessed the heart will open and be ready to receive the gifts which have been stored in your energy field for eons of time.

  1. Take a few deep cleansing breaths.
  1. Allow your body to relax and sink into a quiet space.
  1.  Imaging yourself getting so small you could step into your physical heart.
  1.  Move into one chamber within your heart and sense a light around you.
  1. The light transforms into a flame of three distinct colors: pink, yellow and blue.
  1. The pink represent the love within all life. With each breath allow the pink flame to expand and increase this love in your heart.
  1. The blue extension of the flame represents a higher essence of power.
a.     This power holds no control; it stands upon a strength of its own and it is sharing it with you at this time.
b.     Take time to feel this power and know it is real and easily accessed.
  1. The yellow flame is your inherent wisdom. This is knowledge beyond anything you have read or heard, it is the basis of your true inner understanding. Notice how it feels different than the other flames.
  1. Take a moment to receive and embody these qualities and notice how your awareness is enhanced.
  1. Step out of this flame while holding these qualities within your being.
  1. You are now standing at the door to your heart.
  1. Reach out and push the door open.
  1. On the outside is all that your heart desires.
  1. Imagine what it feels like to have these things in your life. This sensation empowers your dreams to manifest and become a reality.
  1. Complete your meditation with a sense of deep gratitude.