Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Have the Happiness of Children

The holidays are focused around the children and even if there are no children in your immediate world there are still messages you can receive from them. I have been observing my 4 year old granddaughter and I have noticed things in her which seem universal with other children and it keeps them happy. Here are my observations and recommendations of how you too may be as free as a child.
  1. Do not walk, skip. You will get there faster and make people around you smile.
  2. Try to learn a new skill and keep at it till you master it. 
  3. Wake up and smile and begin talking about anything that comes into your head.
  4. Don't hold back any emotion, express them freely and to anyone you see.
  5. Smile and talk to strangers, this will brighten their day and yours as well.
  6. Once you have expressed your discontent let that feeling go, don't hold on.
  7.  Say I love you to your family and do it often.
  8.  Give out lots of hugs and kisses for no apparent reason.
Take a moment to watch the children in your family, at the shopping mall or on the street and see what other positive attributes you observe and add them to my list. Let me know what you find. 

Now go have fun!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Angels of the Holiday

I love the holidays, in fact I love any holiday but sometimes, (most of the time), I am in high gear and not really enjoying the moment at hand.  My head fills with so many ideas and naturally I feel I need to act upon them ASAP. This can drive my loving husband a bit crazy and it keeps me spinning. My suggestion to you as well as to myself is slow down and smell the roses or perhaps at this season, the snow and fresh crisp air.
We Are All Angels

At this time of the year many societies move their attention towards religious activities which then increases the vibration of the earth. This brings more light beings to surface. You will find that if you desire the assistance of higher light spirits you can easily connect to them. They are very close and are listening for our requests.

You may also find many people choose to leave this earthly plane through the change called death. Do not let this disturb you as they are wise in their decision to leave at this time for there is an increased angelic assistance which is available to them. This not only makes their transition smother but can ease the pain of those who are left on earth, if they will only open to and receive the added love of the season.

So as you rush around take a moment to tune into the love which surrounds you and then move on with your day wrapped in this love. And remember, my love and the love you share with others supports all beings, in body, out of body and ascended for we are the angels who walk this earth.

Many Blessing to You and Yours

Monday, December 6, 2010

Ya Got to Have a Sense of Humor

To get through life the ability to smile when things are not going as planned can really ease stress as well as spread a little joy in your life and those around you. It no doubt worked for the man who named this road and his humor touches numerous travelers who drive along I-8 in California.

The question in my mind was, who named this road and how they got the city to approve it?