Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Deck the Halls

Deck the halls with boughs of holly. Fa la la la la la la la la.

Are you getting tired of hearing those carols on the radio, in stores and just about every where you go? I rather enjoy it and especially when the music is sung live. It opens my heart because I feel the love from the ones who are singing. When I get to sing along, it is even better. But let’s look at how music flows in your life.

We all have a team that works with us, even if we work alone. So who is in your cheerleading squad? It is not always the people in our place of business so expand your search and look in the not-so-obvious places. Could it be the barista who hands you coffee in the morning and tells you how great you look? Is it that friend you rarely see who sends you emails of encouragement every so often?

Think of your life as a song and the people who are by your side as your backup singers. We all sound better with a little backup. Bring them with you into the new year even if they are only imaginary. You take the lead and know you have others who will show up and be in harmony with you.

Singing you into the new year with Love!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

All is Forgiven. What Sweet Words.

Have you ever done something you regret? What do you recall? Did the consequences cause you to beat yourself up? Did someone make you feel worse than the way you already felt? Does it still haunt you? Maybe it’s time to let it go.

Why not take a moment today to recall the incident while forgiving yourself. Look at all the reasons why it occurred and be a loving parent to yourself. This is not about blaming another person for how things turned out. It is about telling that child within you that it was an honest mistake which may have occurred because of your misinterpretation of the circumstances. It was not done out of malice or spite.

Such an incident occurred to me while I was with my daughter and her family in San Francisco. I misjudged a parking area and my daughter’s car was towed. I felt awful. It took time out of my daughter’s and son-in-law’s busy schedules. It was costly and created a rift with a neighbor. I knew in my heart it was a mistake, but my emotions still ran amuck. It is said every cloud has a silver lining and for this incident, that rang true.

When I returned from getting the car out of the pound, I was greeted by my sweet son-in-law. He told me it was not my fault, there were no hard feelings, and it was just part of living in the city. Then he gave me a hug. That’s all it took to soften my heart and stop me from beating myself up. His hug said, “All is forgiven,” and it was the best gift he could have given me.

As the holidays approach, look at what you can give yourself or another this holiday season. Who needs to hear “all is forgiven”? A family member, a friend, or you? Give it now in the light of the season.

In the Season of Light I Radiate Love!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

A Simple Approach

As I sit in San Francisco I am calmed by the sound of gently falling rain upon the windows (its been  days of rain so far) and the melodic music from my granddaughter Isabella playing piano. Her practice makes me ask why we repeat an activity until we get it correct. Perhaps it’s the feeling of accomplishment we receive once it is perfected and yet we allow ourselves to become frustrated in the process. Is this frustration because we have a natural tendency to make ourselves wrong? Or could it be old programming?

Whatever the case may be, the way to integrate these negative tendencies is to be present with the feelings they present. When frustration arises, rather than pushing it away and judging it as bad, why not sit with it for a moment and observe how your body reacts. Does your temperature rise, akin to getting hot under the collar? Do you notice your stomach churning, gurgling or tightening up? There is no need to make any adjustments. Merely the act of observation will create the movement required.

Energy has its own wisdom. It knows how to move and resolve itself without any direction from us. If this sounds too simple to work, why not try it out and see for yourself. So often we make things complicated thinking that the more steps there are, the better the outcome will be. Perhaps not. Give yourself a break and try the easy approach.

In the Flow,

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


When things are not moving in the right direction, even though you feel you are applying the processes you have been taught, what might be the problem? It may be because you are scattered in too many directions. This dissipates the energy so that no one thing is getting the focus it requires.

To alleviate this problem, start by making a list of the things you are trying to accomplish. Then categorize them and put the most important one at the top of the list. Stay focused on this item. Do not deviate from your plan. Your mind will want to tell you that you can multi task and get more things done, but it will only confuse you and disperse your energy.

Pay attention to what your body is telling you, not your mind. Release your mind. Send it on a vacation and pay attention to your physical and emotional bodies. They are your true messengers. Once you feel your emotional and physical body shift, then you can look at another item on your list and work with that.

Give this process time and pay attention to what you are feeling, not what you are thinking. The holiday season is upon us and it will be easy to get distracted so make a commitment to yourself. This will be your present to yourself.

Many blessings,
Marnie Vincolisi

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Gratitude - It's All the Buzz

Well this is the week for acknowledging all the things you are happy you have in your life. I for one am happy to have all of you in someway connected to me, even if we have never met. You give me purpose, fill my heart with love, and make the day worth living.

Purpose if a very powerful feeling. It is what makes me get up in the morning and brings a smile to my face. When I get an idea that I can share with others it makes me excited. So what fills your day with joy? And how about being grateful for just that?

At the beginning of the month I suggested you take the entire month to notice what makes you grateful so by now you should have a pretty big list. Take a moment before you take off to visit friends and family and scan that list, even if it is only in your mind. I bet you might see that you too have a vital purpose to those around you.

Have a joyous Thanksgiving Day and remember to smile this week, even if you do not feel like it. I bet you will get a smile back!

Grateful for you

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Whose Stuff is this Anyway?

Do you ever wonder when you are in an emotional turmoil if you are processing things just for yourself or could this also contain the energy from the collective or family lineage? So often we think of beating ourselves up for what we did, didn’t do, could have done, or should have done. That negative self-talk will get you. The dialogue in your head could sound like this, “ If I only knew, I could have…If I only said…, then they would have heard me. Next time I will…”

Well the truth of the matter is, you can’t change the past, the future is an unknown, and the only thing we can make different is now. The mind loves to be in charge, but it is also the mind that creates stress, confusion and doubt. How about putting that mind on vacation. Send it on a trip when it starts poking you and telling how you did not do something correctly.

And where does the mind get its information? It is not only your old stressors, but through our DNA we also run family programing as well as being plugged into collective consciousness of all that is. Now that’s a load!

So how do you know when it is your stuff and when you are just cleaning up for these other entities? One way to tell is when the usual processes you use do not work. I’ll give you an example. I was in emotional distress this weekend so I thought I would clear it with EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique. It did not work. So I pulled out another form of clearing which allows me to clear into the quantum field. Then I began to get results. Some modalities work on the body but when we need to clear into the collective and back through our family lineage, it encompasses more than our physical form. That’s when it is time to step out of 3D reality and into all dimensions, all time frames and all realities.

It is not that difficult to do when you have a map.
  1. Use your intuition
  2. Release your mind
  3. Direct your spirit into a black hole
  4. Feel through your emotional and physical body what needs to be corrected

The answers are right in front of you; let your sensations direct you to the truth. If you need guidance, I am here for you.

Marnie Vincolisi

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Winter is Upon Us

My Winter Solace

Winter has arrived here in Colorado. It is chilly, snowy and gloomy. Statistics tell us that we have 300 days of sunshine in our glorious state so with this weather one could feel a bit down, but there could be another way to look at it.

Take a look at nature and let Her guide you to what is appropriate during this season. The plants become dormant and take time to absorb the nutrients in the soil. It is their time to rebuild and get strong to enable them to radiate their beauty in the spring. You too can slow down and look inside for what you need to strengthen yourself for the coming year.

This is called the cold and flu season and many people become ill during this time. The question is are we really susceptible to germs or is it our body telling us we do not need to go at the fast pace we’ve been going all summer?

If we do not listen to the messages being given to us, i.e., “take a break,” we could pay the price. Why not preempt the inevitable flu and slow down before your body makes you reduce your speed with an illness.

Right now, in this moment, take a few minutes for yourself. Stop what you are doing and just be still. Then decide what you can shelf for the next few days and give yourself a few hours of “me” time. I’m going to take some time to sit in the living room and watch the snow.

Sending warm thoughts your way,

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Month of Gratitude

We are racing to the end of the year and the holidays are almost upon us. Once those dates start rolling there is little time to pay attention to what is important; out spirit. So why not start early? How about making this entire month a month of gratitude? Make a list of things that come to mind that bring you joy. Or the things that you have that you know came to you because of your deep connection to Spirit. Share these observations with friends and family. This will start a chain reaction and they too will begin to pay attention to the gifts that have been bestowed upon them in their life.

When you look at that list pay attention to things on that list that you worried about but then it all came out fine. Or the items that brought you great stress and yet when you look back upon it you see that the entire situation served you at a very high level.

Allow this gratitude month to take you to a deeper level, beyond “I am happy for my ….” Look at the experiences these things and situations gave you to move you up on the ladder of light. We are doing it my light beings. We are rising above the clouds and we are IN the Light.

Lovingly I Walk with You,

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Laugh in the Face of Trouble

Do you know what your best defense is when there are difficulties to master? First become neutral to the outcome.  Next find the humor in it. There is always a lighter side so stop and look for it.

You can create a neutral energy around any situation. Imagine your body as a computer and throw the switch to the other side. I am told computers are made up of numbers – two to be exact: zeros and ones. (If there are any computer geeks out there that find I am explaining this incorrectly, please inform me.) Neutrality is within reach so try not to be attached to the end result. I use a process of correcting your body energetically so this can take effect.

Once the corrections are in place,  your psyche can see the situation in a new light. There are ways to create humor in every scenario that will not invalidate anyone or any concept. You just may find when you get others laughing, they come up with ideas that make the project go smoother and faster.

Example: Halloween is Friday, what could you do on that day to lighten a difficult situation? Be creative. You can get away with almost anything on All Hallow’s Eve.

Many blessings,
Marnie Vincolisi

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

It Is Raining Gold (Leaves)

As I sit (well really I am exercising) and watch the leaves fall outside my window, it  makes me wonder what can I let fall away? What am I holding onto that does not serve me?

One way to research this information is to look at your body.  There are ways to find the message your body is holding. If you take a moment to observe your aches and pains, you just might find there is a reason why this part of your body is uncomfortable. The two books I refer to often are Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karoll Truman and Heal Your Body by Louise Hay. These books target what the body is saying, and if you pay attention to what that part of your body does, you can often figure out the message without the aid of these books.

Here are some examples. Your hips and knees move your body in a forward motion. When there is discomfort in this area, you might be resistant or fearful of what is ahead of you. Your digestion could be off, which directs your attention to look at what situation in your life is difficult to digest. A rash on the skin is an irritation, so look at who or what is irritating you. It is really quite simple when you know how to perceive the distress your body is holding.

I say, “Don’t shoot the messenger.” Your body is your friend, and if it hurts, it is only trying to get your attention. So look for the golden message that your body is pouring over you. Then be grateful for the discomfort and let it go. By deciphering its origin you will soon adjust, balance, and  feel like yourself again.

Many Blessings,

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Where is the Gift?

Do you realize that every frustration has a gift locked inside? All you need to do is look for it. I will explain.

For those procrastinators out there, yesterday was the deadline for those who asked for an extension on their taxes. Taxes have a way of stressing even the calmest person. I found that even though my taxes were turned in on time, I had other bookkeeping to do which really boggled my mind. I was getting very nervous trying to get all my numbers to match. Accounting is not my forte.

Then I looked at the entire situation in a different way. Instead of seeing all the money that went out, I focused on the money that came in. I began to thank the Universe for the supply that has rained down upon me over this last year. “What a difference.” My nerves calmed down and the process began to flow much faster. It does not matter how much supply it was. It only mattered that I moved from lack to gratitude. Being in gratitude was my gift.

Often it is merely one step that needs to be taken to stop our nerves from firing. These are old patterns that we have created and also picked up from society. Look how long taxes have been an issue. Mary and Joseph had Jesus in a stable because they were required to leave their village and travel to pay their taxes. Maybe now is the time for us to say, “Stop” to the nonsense of the fear we hold about money and who gets it.

Money is energy and energy is unlimited. Energy is love and love is unlimited. So there! Change your focus and change your life.

Here’s to your unlimited supply of energy, money and love.

Many Blessings,

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Beingness of Healing

At some point you must let go of the process of whatever healing technique you use (I use Reiki, the channeling of cosmic light) and become one with it. It is akin to dancing; you practice the steps and patterns over and over until they become automatic. When you dance, you let go of the mechanics and flow with the music. You embody the beat and feel it within you.

Healing is a similar process. I do not think of symbols or hand positions when I do Reiki anymore. I just do it. I become the divine energy of Reiki. I become the symbols. I become the flow. When I walk down the street, Reiki flows out of my feet and blesses the Earth. When I drive down the road, Reiki flows from my aura as a blessing to other drivers.

Healing energy is abundant and limitless. Become your healing technique and you become one who constantly gives and receives the love of your healing practice.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Reprogram Your Brain

When you keep worrying about old issues, you:

1) Create stress;
2) Lose valuable time by not being present with what needs to be done now;
3) Get stuck in old programs that no longer serve you;
4) Inhibit new ways to resolve issues and create different results.

The mind needs to reset and just like a computer, it can be approached in a few different ways. I attended a lecture where Joe Dispenza from What the Bleep Do We Know gave a fascinating talk. He shared how he broke his back and refused the metal rods the doctors suggested for his recovery. Instead he went home and rebuilt his spine through visualization and slowly applying pressure to his back. It was quite a moving story. This guy walks his talk.

Joe reminded us of how our brains work. He talked about how the firing of synapses in the brain keeps old programs running. Each time an old event is remembered, there are signals sent into our brain chemistry that create distress. What science has found is not only can these signals be increased by our constant revisiting of old issues, but they can also be rerouted into new neural pathways that do not run the previous triggers. This is exciting news! We can actually change how we have processed information in the past and teach our brains to think differently.

I had an incident where my memory continued to revisit old patterns. As I went to sleep I asked for a change. In the morning I awoke and heard a voice in my head that said, “Are you OK now? Is there anything you need? You have always been taken care of, so stop it (worrying) now.”

Everything we need is at arm’s reach if we just take a moment to draw it in. Sometimes the chatter in our minds is so loud, it’s difficult to connect to a new reality. Building new neural nets will start this process.

How to build new neural nets:
  • Imagine the electrical firing of your synapses with old patterns.
  • See the electrical charge stopping.
  • Meditate and visualize new neural pathways being formed.
  • Reset your thought process in the frontal lobe of your brain by changing your perspective on past events.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Sleep also resets neural pathways. Pay attention to your dreams.
  • Experience Deeksah or Oneness Blessing, an energy transfer which can assist to bring new light into the frontal lobe of the brain. (Oneness Blessing will be given at the Healing Exchange on Tuesday, October 14th.)
Remember you create your reality. Your thoughts set up the kind of day you will experience. Why not make it a good one!

See what Joe has to say about how he creates a positive day.

Many Blessings,
Marnie Vincolisi

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Understanding and Letting Go of Depression

Depression is such a strong word. The softer side of it is sadness. We're all hit by this at one time or another. It is part of our emotional makeup, and it is not a good idea to judge yourself when it occurs. When a strong emotion arises, it provides an opportunity to search deeper into your soul for an understanding of what is really occurring.

Because I have a strong spiritual and meditation practice, I am grateful that I do not touch depression often, so when it does appear, it puzzles and inspires me to research its cause. I was in such a state recently, and it gave rise to new insight about this emotional darkness.

I was deeply sad the entire day, and I finally gave in and lay down to meditate to see if I could feel better. Much to my surprise, I found the origin of my emotional state. When you allow yourself to go into the quiet of your mind through meditation, what is revealed is often surprising. Some meditators would say, "My guides told me this," or "I heard a voice that said that."  But that is not how I receive guidance. I just think the answer.

I find this is a tricky way to get messages because it is easy to believe that I am making it up and it is not real guidance. Over the years I have become accustomed to the way information is given to me. It just pops into my head and resonates through my entire being. I wish I heard a voice or saw messages written in living light, but that is not for me. I only have this simple approach to inner guidance. I just know it.

So what came through? Expectations. Depression comes from wanting something that has not happened in the way you wanted. You may have envisioned an outcome to a particular situation and when it does not turn out the way you planned, you feel sad. If you keep running it through your head long enough, it can manifest into depression. When these ideas build up over the years, it can create chronic depression.

The solution is in seeing the pressure you overlaid onto the situation by being attached to a particular outcome and realizing that it can be let go. Once you understand you have the power to rewrite the script that has been stalking you, the emotion turns around. You can look at it with new eyes, give it a new twist, and come at it from a new perspective. It does not take years of therapy. Once you become aware of what is running this emotion, you can stop, look it in the eye and say, “You do not have a hold on me any longer.”

We are on this road together. Let my insights guide you to a place where you can perhaps be a little freer from your stories. We all have them. Time to let some of them go.

Watch for my weekly meditation class which will start in October.

Many Blessings,
Marnie Vincolosi

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


In this fast paced world, decisions are made in a split second. The business environment demands a quick response leaving little time for thought, usually requiring a decision within a few hours or if lucky perhaps, within a day. The holidays are fast approaching and our priorities will soon be tested.

How will you know what to do?What is important to you? With whom would you want to spend your time? When there is no one around, how will you fill your day? How can you get clear and make the correct choices?

Balanced decisions come from the heart, not the head, but how do you know the foundation of these feelings?  Focus on each chakra during your meditation to recognize the feeling held within each energy center. When information needs to be accessed, you can then be familiar with the sensation held within your chakra. Thus the origin of the decision.

Regular meditations will begin to give your mind a reprieve from the everyday stress and strain of decision making. When your mind realizes it will have R&R for brief periods (about 20 minutes) each day, it will begin to reorganize its thoughts. Then when fast responses are needed, clarity of mind will be at hand.

Chakra meditations can be found on my CDs and in my Reiki books, all of which can be purchased online at There is a “Life Tool” (Marnie’s guided imagery meditations) specific for chakras. Send your request for a chakra meditation and I will email one specifically for that chakra to you.

Many Blessings,
Marnie Vincolisi

Monday, September 8, 2014

How to Turn Frustration into Peace

Do you ever have one of those days when no matter what you do, it goes wrong? The day lacks flow.  Resistance is around every corner. So what to do? Some just crawl into bed and sleep it off. Others turn to TV, food, or just keep pushing until they're so exhausted they must stop (that’s me).

There once was such a day for me. I started out by going to the Pepsi center to get tickets to a concert for myself and a few friends. I missed an email and did not get a ticket for an important friend. While shopping, the stores were out of many of the items I wanted to purchase. I spent most of the day attempting to make new recordings of my meditations to sell online but had too much background noise and could not find a way to alleviate it. I was ready to throw in the towel for this raw food thing I'd been following,yet my body was telling me something else. At the end of the day, while writing this blog, I couldn't think of what to write about. My best solution was to go to bed and sleep it off. It was late and rest was the best idea I could come up with.

In the middle of the night a thought came to mind - gratitude. Why not think of all the things I'm grateful for? So I did. I began with simple material things and then expanded my thoughts to loved ones and qualities I possess. At one point my dreams became lucid as I pointed out my gratitude to those in my dreams. I awoke in a better space than when I lay down for the night.

Enjoy this beautiful weather as you think about what you have to be grateful for.  The list just might be endless.

Many Blessings,
Marnie Vincolisi

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Find and Release with EFT

Tracking to the core of your own issues can be challenging but there are tools to assist you in this process. I have found EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, to be one that has helped me with a present issue. Let me share my findings.

I have been releasing an old relationship since the beginning of the year, and it is an experience which has allowed me to see myself in a new light. Even though I have continued to stay open and aware of my involvement and emotional attachment, I still have work to do. Today I found sadness to be prevalent in my space, and I decided to face it and look deep into its presence. EFT was the required tool.

When using EFT, you will tap on acupressure points to release and uncover buried emotions. These points can quickly get to the core of the issue, but one needs to be aware of how to track and follow the emotions which arise. The full technique can be found at or I can do a treatment with you. This will be similar to a private class along with your personal clearing. Here I will outline how I processed my experience of sadness.

I began tapping on sadness as it was the strongest emotion I felt at the time. Sadness was just at the surface, but I could not release any tears and did not know what the origin of this sadness was. I know every current emotion has a core issue which is not always obvious. I paid attention to how my thoughts changed as I tapped on whatever I felt while changing the words I was tapping about according to whatever came up. Listed is my process:

Clearing Statement: “Even though I am sad, I love myself just the way I am.”

While tapping, I used these words even before I completed a series:
  • Sadness
  • Betrayal
  • Anger
  • Trust
  • Lonely
  • Can’t cry
  • Dad
  • Mom
At that point I began to cry. I was surprised to see my sadness was not about my current loss but about the loss of my mom. I would have never connected my current situation with losing my mom. This is the gift of EFT. It moves you to the core by activating acupressure points in this simple yet profound technique. I continued to tap on emotions which came up until I felt calm. Joy was the emotion which completed the process.

After you read the EFT process and try it out, let me know if you would like help. There is no reason to carry old buried issues with you. We are here on this planet to raise our vibration and the vibration of mother earth as well. It does not require years of therapy, In one session we can clear and process a lot.

I send you my love.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

How To Do A Sage Clearing

Sometimes the practice of energetic clearing is just not enough to cleanse a space of negative influences. This can happen at home, work, in  an auto, or on a specific thing or location. One of those things could be your computer. When things are just not going your way a physical clearing might be in order.

The simplest way to do this is to burn sage or wheat grass while moving throughout the location. Your intention is most important. Be clear that you are not holding resentment for a person or situation while you are performing this spiritual practice. The intent is to neutralize the effect of energy which has entered which is not to your highest order. It could be wise to do this type of clearing on a regular basis to keep your space energetically clean. You can also clear your space on a regular basis during your meditations. This will reduce the frequency of how often you are required to physically perform this practice.

The smoke from the sage and wheat grass can be overwhelming on your lungs so keep doors and windows open while it is burning. Keep a pyrex dish in hand or a non-flammable tray to catch any live ashes that might fall. Be aware of your thoughts and feelings for you may be receiving important messages that will assist you in understanding the situation which required this clearing.

I found in my recent house clearing I was getting a headache. My message was I needed to release what I was clearing from my body, especially my lungs. My lungs encompass my heart and that is where I could release the negative emotion I was holding onto. My guidance was to sit under the stars and allow the light of the Universe to complete the clearing of my home, body and heart. I was gifted with metaphors which helped me totally clear. As I sat under the night sky I saw small clouds above my home.

As I looked closer they were in the form of angry spirits. I sensed they were the ones who I had just released from my home. I asked for divine assistance to move these spirits away from my area and take them to a place where their energy could be transformed. I silenced my mind and accepted the assistance. When I opened my eyes a few minutes later the small spirit clouds moved into one large soft fluffy cloud.
This happened faster than clouds move so I knew it was a message that all was taken care of. If the outline below does not take care of the situation you are attempting to clear, give me a call. I have successfully competed clearings in person or at a distance. Remember; have fun, let fear go and be confident.

Sage Cleansing:
  1. Be clear no harm can come to you during this practice.
  2. Express the intent this clearing is for the highest good and you are not holding resentment or blame.
  3. Light sage or sweet grass, and hold it over a pyrex dish while drawing Reiki symbols or using a circular motion at all windows, doors, walls, and the center of the rooms.
  4. Once complete, observe your body to see if the clearing is complete.
  5. Request divine light assistance to extend the clearing from the location into your body and affairs.
  6. Observe any messages which are entering your mind or watch for metaphors around you.
  7. Meditate in gratitude, knowing what your have asked for has been given in light.
Marnie Vincolisi