Personally I believe
that forgiveness does not necessarily come from your highest good. To
forgive, we must believe something was done wrong in the first place,
creating the requirement forforgiveness. I say we have never done
anything wrong.
In the eyes of Spirit,
we are perfect and I offer that you give yourself the same gift,
knowing you are, and have always been, perfect. Every decision you have
made, with the information you had at the time, was perfect.
Instead of forgiving
yourself for the apparent wrongs you have done during your life, look at
those incidents as experiences that allowed you to acquire rich
emotions. Receive these emotions and bless them as jewels in life.
This is not about
being right or wrong. It’s about finding your own truth and holding to
it even if no one else agrees with you. The realizations you form in
your mind are for you and do not need to be validated by anyone else.
This is a place where you trust that Spirit is there for you, guiding
you, enfolding you, and talking to you.
Release the judgment
of yourself through forgiveness. Move into the flow of just being part
of all that is. Sometimes that flow appears to stop, but know all is in
divine order and your life is MAGIC.
Marnie Vincolisi
Marnie Vincolisi