Monday, February 24, 2014

Compassion Creates an Opening for Healing

Through story telling, I find that movies can open us up to new insights and clear emotions in a pleasant way. My recent eye opener came while I viewed "Philomena" with my daughter Carmin in San Francisco. The story tells of a woman who became pregnant while she was young in Ireland. Her father sent her to a convent and after the baby was born would not let her return home. She spent four years at the convent, working hard to repay the nuns for housing her and her child. The nuns forced her to sign a paper which gave them the right to give this child out for adoption. At the age of three he was taken away.

Fifty years later a newspaper reporter helps her find her lost son. I will not reveal the entire story, for it is one that unfolds beautifully with a few surprises, which makes a good tale. What impressed me was the kindness of Philomena. Even though she was treated unfairly, she did not judge others. Her broken heart stayed open. She has inspired me and I trust will impress you as well if you chose to see the movie.

I had another insight by viewing the story of this blessed soul. It saddens me as I write this. Philomena's constant concern was, "Did he ever think of me?" She said, "I think of him every day."  It brings tears to my eyes because I too had a parent I never knew till I was 42 and then he passed away within three months. My question is, did my father think of me every day? It makes me cry because in my heart I know he did. I feel his sadness and mine as well. I feel the removal of a child from a parent is much more difficult for the adult than the child.

I did not remember my father, for I was only 6 months old when our relationship was severed. I had no memories to hold on to, but he did. The day I met him I asked why he had not come to find us. He explained the circumstances and also added, "It was too hard to see you and then have to leave without you in my arms."

How strange our emotions are, I feel deep sorrow and yet, happiness to understand another aspect of my father. Philomena opened my eyes to a memory I have tucked away. And for me it is okay to revisit my sad memories from time to time. It gives me a chance to be one with the pain of all humanity and mine as well. For we are all one, and feeling that connection allows our compassion to expand as we open our hearts, first to ourselves and then to others.

Marnie Vincolisi

Monday, February 17, 2014

A Knock on the Door

I would like to share with you the realization and emotional opening I had while attending the Monroe Institute. During a meditation while using the Hemi-Sync tapes, I asked a question about how I could increase the clarity of my third eye. I was given a visual of an apparatus over the third eye that looked like a telescope. As I contemplated this visual, I found that as I turned the telescope, I received more clarity and saw a connection there opening to my inner sight. What happened next was quite unexpected.

Our trainer Penny told us a story about when she was a child. Penny was being her old complaining self and apparently needed a shift in her perspective. She sat on the bed in her room with her mother, Nancy who made reference to a picture Penny had over her bed of Jesus. Penny never told her mom the way she felt about that picture, but she felt that as usual her sister had the best. Her sister had a picture with flowers and pretty colors while Penny’s picture was dark and brown.

Nancy turned to Penny and said, “Do you see this picture of Jesus?” As Penny silently remembered how she felt about that dark, drab, not as good as her sister’s picture, her mom continued, “What do you notice about it? Can you see that there is no knob on the door and that it can only be opened from the inside?”

This picture was very familiar to me. Jesus is standing in front of a dark brown door and knocking upon it. We had this picture in my Sunday school class at my church. I never realized the true meaning of that picture until now but it gave me insight about my vision. No one was going to enter my domain, my heart, until I opened the door. It must be opened from the inside! At this point, my heart indeed did open, and as many of you might know, when that happened the tears did not stop. I cannot explain the overwhelming feeling I had, but it was quite a release. My chest actually hurt afterwards.

I give you this wisdom today. Whatever your heart desires, know that the fulfillment of your desires is standing outside your door. Open it! Because until you do, you cannot receive what you want. Reach for the knob, open the door, and stand aside because what is coming in is huge and delightful. Give it a wide berth and then enjoy!

For those of you who may be interested, I will be doing a Monroe Institute meditation weekend March 15th. Please reserve your space soon by emailing me at

 Marnie Vincolisi

Friday, February 14, 2014

Love is Truly Everywhere

My travels have taken me to San Francisco and on my way I was gifted with an early Valentine’s Day present. I was going down the escalator to the train at DIA on Wednesday.

A young mother was ahead of me with her little boy. He was not more than one year old. When our eyes met, he smiled.

Once we reached the ground his mother, put him down and he immediately ran over to me and raised his arms so I would pick him up. Naturally I responded to his request and placed him in my arms. He gently put his head against my chest and stayed there very content to shower his love into my heart. I was so surprised. I stood there for a time waiting for him to move into another position. He did not. He was on a mission – to give love!

His mom tells me he often will respond this way to people he picks out during their daily journeys. I felt so blessed that on this day, he picked me.

So on this Valentine’s Day, don’t wait for someone to shower you with love. Give it out yourself. During the day, in your own way, do something to show a stranger they are worthy of love. It will come back to you.

Send me an email and tell me what magic happened on your Valentine’s Day. I will post your responses.

From my Heart to Yours. Have a Blessed Valentines Day!


Monday, February 10, 2014

Change Can Be Easy

This week I stepped into a healthier way of eating. At a food convention with my son, we came across a raw food booth and it intrigued me. I signed up for their raw food prep class, went home and looked on the web and found a very informative raw food website: which got me fired up. I was amazed at how easy the change was.  
By researching information about raw food eating, I was able to make a clear choice. My best guidance came from a simple statement by my son Frederic, ”Don’t eat unless you’re hungry.” I have heard this before, but this time I embodied what he was saying. I began to wait before I ate and allowed my real reason to eat surface. I found I am not hungry most of the time. Usually I am stressed, eating because it is time to eat, or out of habit. When I slowed down and listened to my body, I found I was not hungry at all. Raw foods have more nutrients than processed or cooked foods, therefore my nutritional needs were being met with a lot less eating.
I am not suggesting to myself to eat this way the rest of my life. That would put too much pressure on me to change in a way that I don’t need or want. Rather, I am making conscious choices day by day. And each day that I feel better, I continue to choose healthy food habits. Baby steps.
So what in your life do you want to change? In order to let go of your emotional attachment to habits, give your brain something else to chew on. Get information. Go online and dig deep to help your mind allow for change. Feed the emotions that will start you on a new path.
Let me know your results and I will post them in the next e-zine. And have fun changing!
Interested in raw foods? Here is a link to the raw foods website along with their current class schedule:
Many Blessings,
Marnie Vincolisi

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What Does It Mean to Love Oneself?

During the last year, I have been focusing on bringing love fully into my body. Hence I am drawn to yoga because the practice reacquaints me with my body.

During my meditation at yoga last weekend, the concept of self-love became crystal clear. As I felt my own self-love in my sacral chakra, I repeated in my mind, "Love me, love me, love me." Unexpectedly I began to feel sad. I began another chant...."I love me, I love me, I love me." Upon hearing that phrase, my body began to feel light and expanded.

What I surmised was when I asked for love from another, even if it was Spirit, sadness came over me. Perhaps because I was looking for love outside myself where it could be perceived as denied. When I affirmed "I am the love that I seek," I expanded into that love, which is light.  In order to love oneself, one needs to fully embrace this concept, and I have found that I can sense this in my heart now rather easily.

I have used this technique on my clients only to find that each person has a different reaction. There is no right way to embody these statements. What you sense and surmise is correct for you. We are all in our own majestic process. You really do not require someone to analyze your feelings because in your heart you know what it means.

Take a moment out of your busy day, perhaps before you retire for the night and chant these two statements to yourself and see what you get. Life is ever changing and by being aware of our transformation, we grow.

I bless you in your process.
Marnie Vincolisi