Saturday, June 28, 2014

Summer is a Time to Shed that Extra Weight While Enjoying Meals with Friends

Ah, summer, the best time of the year but ... it is a time when big sweaters and baggy pants are just not going to work. It is time to reveal our bodies, and yet it is a time to meet with friends and enjoy our meals outside. So what to do about those few extra pounds that keep creeping in. Can you readjust your body and still have tasty meals? I say YES.

This is how I do it. We have been told to chew our food slowly and eat lots of veggies. Here is how it can easily be done. I make myself a salad with crunchy romaine lettuce and spring mix as well. I add colorful veggies, some low sugar fruit like ½ an apple or berries, just a few nuts, no cheese (too much fat ), olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

To add a little zing, I use flavored olive oil, but only 2 teaspoons. I like blood orange or Persian lime. The balsamic vinegar can be white, raspberry or just plain. It all tastes good. Fresh cilantro, mint, and basil give it a tasty punch.

The trick is to chop all the ingredients. You will be surprised how long it will take for you to eat this yummy delight. You must chew, chew, chew. You will not be able to put a big leaf of lettuce into your mouth, take a few bites and swallow. Even though all the ingredients are chopped already, you will still be encouraged to chew. By the time you complete your meal, you will feel completely satisfied and won’t be looking for sweets.

Enjoy these great summer days!

Marnie Vincolisi

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Let It Be

Sometimes what we are looking for is right under our noses. As they say, you can’t see the forest through the trees.  When we are engulfed in our perceptions of how things “should” be, we are blinded by the other opportunities which are presenting themselves.

So the question remains, how can I move past this limitation? Let me help.
  1. Stop what you are doing, thinking and saying.
    Allow your meditations to be focused on absolutely nothing by listening to your breath or the quiet sound you hear in your ears, or merely visualize the universe.
  2. Give yourself time to breathe.
    By focusing on your breath, your thoughts will dissipate. The mere act of noticing your breath will calm your mind and slow down your heart rate thus alleviating tension.
  3. Do not analyze your situation.
    When you spend too much time in the thought process, there is not room for Divine intervention.
  4. Do not try to figure out the next step.
    The future will happen without your mind so let go of the mind and trust all will be in Divine order.
  5. Let the Universal Wisdom flow.
    Imagine yourself as an antenna that is tuned into the cosmos. The Universe is around us and within us. There is no need to draw it in. It is already there.
  6. Be neutral to the outcome.
    The right thing will appear if you do not try to push the results. Be still. Make your energy strong to a positive or opposite outcome. Then the Universe has a free hand to play.
If you need a quick session to see how this works, give me a call. Sometimes we can work through issues in as little as 15 to 30 minutes. Also, you might find just the right thing you need by joining us tomorrow, June 20th at 6:45pm, 6130 E. Fair Ave., Centennial, CO 80111 for our Healing Exchange. 100% of your $10 donation goes to scholarships for Vietnamese children.

Now sit back and enjoy the summer. For me, it is the best time of the year!

Marnie Vincolisi

Friday, June 6, 2014

How to Clear the Cobwebs of Old Energetic Connections

Ah, the ego is such a tricky thing. It lets you think you have it all figured out and then life comes along and bites you on the butt!

There was a time when I was involved with a man – let’s call him “Tim.” The man I dated before him was also named Tim. In my travels I would often meet Tims. Once I met nine in one day! Though we had decided to assist each other in our growth by parting, still the Tims haunt me. Why? wondered. The answer came to me when I was on my morning walk. Its him! Its his energy grabbing me,I thought. Isnt it easier to blame someone else? And then it hit me. This is not Tim hanging onto me, directing his energy at me. This is about me and my ego.

Yes, my ego is the one that continues to pull this energy in on a subconscious level, but its not going to be subany more. It has now been revealed. Could this just be my power talking to me, calling to me, attempting to get my attention? Perhaps. Tears welled up in my eyes as this concept began to take form. This is my confirmation. When I feel an emotional response to a thought, then I know I have hit a core issue. Very often just uncovering a new concept clears it.  I dont  have to analyze it, rip it apart, and dissect it. Just feeling it, and exposing it helps it move on.

I felt Tim needed me energetically, but this was just my ego feeling good about itself. It was that part of me that thinks it knows best. Now in this clear light, I can let go of that illusion and let Time fly free.  I can let me fly free, unencumbered by the judgements that were held in my subconscious mind.

It seems simple looking back on it, but its not always easy to see whats going on in your own story. All that needs to be done, however, is to ask a question and let the answers appear. It is a Universal law. The key is to be open to receiving the messages and above all, paying attention. Look for signs. Listen with every aspect of your being: with your heart, eyes, ears and with all your unseen senses. Embrace your feelings as clues that you are on the right path.

I trust this information will help uncover a part of you that has been in your subconscious and assist you to move on to a place which better serves your heart. If you need another set of eyes looking at the situations that puzzle you, please sign up for a session and we will not only address the issue, but we’ll clear it. In a session you will often receive a process that will show you how you can avoid recreating the same problems in your life.

We are all in this together. Let me help.

In the Light,