Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Gratitude - It's All the Buzz

Well this is the week for acknowledging all the things you are happy you have in your life. I for one am happy to have all of you in someway connected to me, even if we have never met. You give me purpose, fill my heart with love, and make the day worth living.

Purpose if a very powerful feeling. It is what makes me get up in the morning and brings a smile to my face. When I get an idea that I can share with others it makes me excited. So what fills your day with joy? And how about being grateful for just that?

At the beginning of the month I suggested you take the entire month to notice what makes you grateful so by now you should have a pretty big list. Take a moment before you take off to visit friends and family and scan that list, even if it is only in your mind. I bet you might see that you too have a vital purpose to those around you.

Have a joyous Thanksgiving Day and remember to smile this week, even if you do not feel like it. I bet you will get a smile back!

Grateful for you

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Whose Stuff is this Anyway?

Do you ever wonder when you are in an emotional turmoil if you are processing things just for yourself or could this also contain the energy from the collective or family lineage? So often we think of beating ourselves up for what we did, didn’t do, could have done, or should have done. That negative self-talk will get you. The dialogue in your head could sound like this, “ If I only knew, I could have…If I only said…, then they would have heard me. Next time I will…”

Well the truth of the matter is, you can’t change the past, the future is an unknown, and the only thing we can make different is now. The mind loves to be in charge, but it is also the mind that creates stress, confusion and doubt. How about putting that mind on vacation. Send it on a trip when it starts poking you and telling how you did not do something correctly.

And where does the mind get its information? It is not only your old stressors, but through our DNA we also run family programing as well as being plugged into collective consciousness of all that is. Now that’s a load!

So how do you know when it is your stuff and when you are just cleaning up for these other entities? One way to tell is when the usual processes you use do not work. I’ll give you an example. I was in emotional distress this weekend so I thought I would clear it with EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique. It did not work. So I pulled out another form of clearing which allows me to clear into the quantum field. Then I began to get results. Some modalities work on the body but when we need to clear into the collective and back through our family lineage, it encompasses more than our physical form. That’s when it is time to step out of 3D reality and into all dimensions, all time frames and all realities.

It is not that difficult to do when you have a map.
  1. Use your intuition
  2. Release your mind
  3. Direct your spirit into a black hole
  4. Feel through your emotional and physical body what needs to be corrected

The answers are right in front of you; let your sensations direct you to the truth. If you need guidance, I am here for you.

Marnie Vincolisi

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Winter is Upon Us

My Winter Solace

Winter has arrived here in Colorado. It is chilly, snowy and gloomy. Statistics tell us that we have 300 days of sunshine in our glorious state so with this weather one could feel a bit down, but there could be another way to look at it.

Take a look at nature and let Her guide you to what is appropriate during this season. The plants become dormant and take time to absorb the nutrients in the soil. It is their time to rebuild and get strong to enable them to radiate their beauty in the spring. You too can slow down and look inside for what you need to strengthen yourself for the coming year.

This is called the cold and flu season and many people become ill during this time. The question is are we really susceptible to germs or is it our body telling us we do not need to go at the fast pace we’ve been going all summer?

If we do not listen to the messages being given to us, i.e., “take a break,” we could pay the price. Why not preempt the inevitable flu and slow down before your body makes you reduce your speed with an illness.

Right now, in this moment, take a few minutes for yourself. Stop what you are doing and just be still. Then decide what you can shelf for the next few days and give yourself a few hours of “me” time. I’m going to take some time to sit in the living room and watch the snow.

Sending warm thoughts your way,

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Month of Gratitude

We are racing to the end of the year and the holidays are almost upon us. Once those dates start rolling there is little time to pay attention to what is important; out spirit. So why not start early? How about making this entire month a month of gratitude? Make a list of things that come to mind that bring you joy. Or the things that you have that you know came to you because of your deep connection to Spirit. Share these observations with friends and family. This will start a chain reaction and they too will begin to pay attention to the gifts that have been bestowed upon them in their life.

When you look at that list pay attention to things on that list that you worried about but then it all came out fine. Or the items that brought you great stress and yet when you look back upon it you see that the entire situation served you at a very high level.

Allow this gratitude month to take you to a deeper level, beyond “I am happy for my ….” Look at the experiences these things and situations gave you to move you up on the ladder of light. We are doing it my light beings. We are rising above the clouds and we are IN the Light.

Lovingly I Walk with You,