Thursday, December 24, 2015

May the Force of Light Be With You!

My annual holiday party was a huge success. If you attended, you know what I'm talking about, and if you missed it, I hope you will be at the upcoming healing share on January 12th so I can give you a blessing in the New Year.

To me, parties at my place are about connecting people, honoring our similarities and our differences, and sharing our lives with those who care. This party was especially significant because of the diversity of the people who showed up. Not only did my Reiki community appear, but people from the Chi Gong practice (be assured I will incorporate more into our healing share next year), my soul retrieval group, neighbors (whose eyes were opened because of our alternative lifestyles), personal friends, and new acquaintances. It was delightful and just how I envision a party.

I have always dreamed of having someone appear who would play my piano and one such angel manifested. Even though I can play, sort of, you probably would not enjoy listening as I require more practice than I have time to give. The magic happened as melodic turns floated through the house. Joined by some of my guests, we let our voices ring out with the joy of the season. I apologize for not being able to spend more time with each individual. When a new light being would show up, I was compelled to greet them. And when I saw someone standing alone, I scanned the crowd to intuit with whom they would enjoy talking. I was in my element.

(By the way, as I write this I am flying in a rather turbulent sky. The process I have shared with you to calm rocking planes in the Reiki first degree class was not working so I expanded the energy of the plane. Instead of extending ChoKuRei down from the plane, I also directed it out from the wings, in front of the nose, out back behind the tail and up towards the sky. The pilot told us it would be bumpy for a half hour. The roller coaster effect stopped immediately and our flight became calm).

So my message for you this holiday season is to find the people in your family that stand out and connect them to those who will honor their differences. If we were all the same, how boring life would be. You might search for that part in them that will connect with another. Family situations can be complicated and stressful, but if you take a moment to tune into what someone would enjoy, it can change an agitated holiday dinner into one that flows with the love of the season.

Remember the end of December is a time that radiates love. Religions and indigenous people honor this time with ceremony. Tune into it. Channel it to the ones you love and yourself as well, and don't forget, I'm here for you, sharing my light with you and the world. We can make a difference, one heart at a time.

May the Force (Light) be with You!
Marnie Vincolisi

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Problems Are Like Passing Clouds

In the practice of Chi Gong there is a movement called "Cloud Hands." One hand passes in front of the other in a repetitive motion. It is quite calming and I find I enjoy the flow.

One day while performing this movement, I began to compare its similarity to life. When problems arise, they are like clouds. These difficulties often obstruct our view, just like clouds. And just like clouds, these problems will pass. They never stay long and yet, in the moment, it sometimes appears as if they will never leave.

So the next time a problem comes to the surface, still your thoughts by taking a breath and quiet yourself in the moment. Then recall the movement of the clouds and how they move at their own speed without any direction from you. You cannot hurry them nor can you clear them. They are just part of life. Once you accept that you are not in control and take your attention off the haze, it eventually clears. Just like the problems that arise in life.

Just watching the clouds go by,

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Smile and the World Smiles with You!

We are now into the holiday season and what fun it is! People love to decorate and you may ask why? For me it reflects the joy of the season. The holidays are a time when you can put aside all reason and make things as gaudy as you like, and people just marvel at the effect. So why not honor the joy locked inside you and decorate yourself?

Ah, but how? The best way I know is to smile. A smile brightens even the most tired face. If you are not feeling cheery this season because of problems that arise, why not fake it till you make it? When you smile, people smile back, which sets the stage for the next person you greet. There is no need for words because a smile has its own language. It works in all countries, with adults, adolescents, babies, and even animals. Have you ever seen a dog smile? It is quite adorable.

Begin your self-decorating today with a smile. You just might be surprised at how it has a tendency to expand.

Happy to Be in Your Life,

Monday, November 16, 2015

Channeling the Light

At this time there is much unrest throughout the world. Rather than focusing on the negative, I would like to show you how to transcend beyond space and time, and rain light onto any and all situations that need adjustments. Here are easy instructions on how to draw the love and light of the Universe into your being and out into the world:

1. Close your eyes (or leave them open) and imagine the Light of the Universe entering the top of your head, your crown chakra.
2. Sense the flow of Light as it fills your heart and overflows into your chest.
3. Allow the effervescent Light to bubble up into your shoulders and flow into your arms and hands.
4. The bubbles of Light continue to overflow down your entire body and out through your feet.
5. The Light from the sky and your being enters the earth and spreads into the ground.
6. Follow the flow of Light from your city into your country.
7. It then extends into the oceans and encompasses the entire globe with effervescent Light.
8. There is no limit to the distance your Light can reach.
9. Feel this in your heart for that is where the power lies.
10. Reside in this loving feeling, stay present, and notice how the sensations change or stay the same.

In loving Light I direct my essence out to you,

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Tap Into The Collective

So often we unconsciously tap into the collective energy around us by way of the media, advertising, or conversations that we overhear. Often this collective energy is not in alignment with who and what we are. It can sway our decisions and drain our energy. But there are also positive attributes in the collective.

Take a moment to look around at children. They are full of enthusiasm, laughter, and energy. Studies have shown that children laugh an average of 300 times a day while adults only get 15 chuckles in each day, if they are lucky. Laughter is a huge stress reducer. If we could just find humor in the things we do each day, it would ease a tremendous amount of stress. Children are also never short of energy and enthusiasm. They run and jump and play with abandon all day long!

How about, just for today, try tuning into the essence of a child. Observe children while you are driving to work in the morning, jogging, or listening to their voices in your neighborhood. Tap into their collective humor, enthusiasm, and energy. Then see how your day flows and how much energy you have at the end of it.

With enthusiasm,

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Beauty is Within

The Halloween parties are over and we are back to our real selves. How dull. There is a slight reprieve before the next batch of holidays so take some time for you!

The fall is so beautiful with its colors, crisp air, and bright skies. With all this splendor around us, it’s a reminder to go inside and also see the beauty within.  Make a list of all the things you know you are good at.  What about the way you are compassionate when confrontations arise? Or how you can figure out problems when you take time to be still and listen to your inner voice? Now look in the mirror and pick out the qualities that make your face shine and own that this cannot be copied by another. It is uniquely yours.

Then smile, all day long. No one will know why you are smiling, but you will. It is because you know there is no one exactly like you and you are beautiful, just the way you are.

Marnie Vincolisi

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

What Image Are You Trying To Uphold?

In America, this is the weekend of disguise so it might be a good time to look at what kind of mask you wear. In our society it is acceptable to hide our real feelings in order to fit into the theme of the time. But this can be detrimental to your spirit.

Consider for a moment that you could let go of your pretense and still be seen loved, accepted and respected. You might be surprised when you abandon your idea that you need to hold a certain image; all will be fine and no one will run away from you in fright.

As you watch the children parade around in their costumes remember that you do not need to hide. You are perfect just the way you are and others will love you for the essence that only you hold. If they do not, find those who will. They are out there.

With love,
Marnie Vincolisi

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Life is Full of Reflections

Reflections are not just what you see in the mirror. They are ever present and all around you.

Take a moment to look at a distressing event that is currently in play. What is it telling you? Is there something there that you are denying in yourself? Could it be an old pattern from childhood? Do not make this a story and judge yourself? Instead, allow it to be an observation that encourages you to feel deep compassion for yourself.

Let me share how applying this technique has aided me in my search for truth. I have noticed of late that there are people in my life who are not seeing me for who I am. This is frustrating and creates judgments--both of them by me and of me by them. This is not a healthy pattern for me to carry. When this happens more than two or three times, I know it is time to address the issue. So I put forth the intention to change it.

I was not clear as to where this pattern stemmed from so I turned to the wisdom of a higher power. I asked Spirit, that all knowing part of me, to reveal the truth about the appearance of these unkind issues. I can run issues in my head for hours with no apparent conclusions, but when I verbalize my concerns to another, I hear it differently and the message appears. There is no need to dwell on the issue. Merely mentioning my search for the truth to be revealed opens the doorway and the answer appears.

When tears form in my eyes and I get choked up, I know I have touched the core of my issue. The people who appeared were just players on a stage playing out the story of my life. They were showing me my old pattern as a child who felt invisible to those around her. I was not seen as the divine spark that I was and am. It was not out of malice that this happened. They were just busy navigating through life themselves. Once seen, it all falls away as does my attachment to who and what is happening in my life.

I am most grateful for the gift of inner sight. It does not happen without the interplay of others in our life. As the saying goes, “Don’t shoot the messenger.”

Marnie Vincolisi

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Step Into Your Heart's Desire

If there is something that you would like to manifest into your life, can it be as easy as stepping into it? Some say yes, and I am one of those. All it takes is clear intent and motivation. If you have the desire in your mind but you never put it into action, then it will never transpire into your life.

Having the impetus to put your thoughts into action is often the thing that holds us back. If you could step into the part of yourself that has already attained that which you are looking for then you would have the energy of that. The practice is quite simple and if you have been with me for sometime now you will know that is my M.O., simplicity. I only do the things that are effortless and do not take a lot of time out of my day to achieve my goals.

On Sunday I had a group over and we jumped into the quantum field where what we wanted to attain resided. All you need to do is count yourself down into a quiet state, see a hall before you, walk to the door at the end of the hall and jump across the threshold. There you will meet yourself or the one who has the quality you are wanting in your life. Talk to them, get instruction, and when you arrive back in real time you will have the sensation of that which you want to achieve.

Have fun, and see you in the quantum field!
Marnie Vincolisi

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Out of Energy?

Being out of energy is an illusion. You cannot ever be out of energy because you are surrounded by energy; it is literally all around you. What has happened is that you have put your attention elsewhere and therefore allowed your energy to go towards other thoughts, but you still have energy. I will show you how you can quickly reclaim the energy you have redirected.

The air is jam packed with oxygen molecules. Each molecule has protons, electrons and neutrons. An electron will move around the nucleus at the speed of 2,200 kilometers per second which is 1% the speed of light which will allow an electron to go around the earth in 18 seconds. Now with that kind of speed around your body it is not logical that your become tired.

Try this experiment when you are exhausted.
  • Notice where your thoughts are taking you - past, present or future situations.
  • Stop that reoccurring thought process by saying, “Stop!”
  • Then put your attention on the molecules around your body.
  • Imagine you are walking in a sea of energy, which you are.

I usually find my energy will come back up in less than five minutes. Let me know what happens for you.

Marnie Vincolisi 

NASA Photo: Veil Nebula Supernova Remnant. If you would like to see what NASA has found in the Universe, try this link - I find the images are great to meditate upon.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Be Inspired and Inspiring!

We all help each other on this earth, and there are times when we are not even aware of the impact we have on others. I was inspired by a story about a man, Jim Henry, who wrote a bestselling book when he was 98 years old. He was motivated to write his life story, In a Fisherman’s Language, because he heard of George Dawson, a man who was a son of a slave and wrote his first book, Life is So Good, at the age of 101. Jim said, “If he can do it, I can do it.” Now here’s the amazing part. Jim was illiterate until the age of 92. Yes he learned to read and write in his 90s. Impressive!

I am challenged when I sit down to put onto pages my new book and I question whether, at 67, I can do this. Well, Jim and George have inspired me. And if they can do it, so can I.

So what’s holding you back from your dreams? People manifest their dreams every day, at every age. Why not you? Be inspired! And don’t forget to be inspiring. Whether you know it or not, people are watching you and are amazed by your gifts and the things you do. Inspiration is all around you. Look for it and know you are creating it.

To your inspirational power,
Marnie Vincolisi

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fall is in the Air

So what is falling around you? Are pounds falling away? Or do you have that as a goal? Are you working on letting go of outdated beliefs? Is it time to move away from people and institutions that no longer serve your highest order?

Whatever your intent, now is the time to activate this desire by allowing nature to support you. If you think about it, the earth is mostly nature. Did you know we comprise only 8% of the earth? Look around you. Compare your size to what lies around you. As you stand outside notice the amount of mass you take up compared to the trees, plants, ground, oceans, mountains, and other species.

We are so minute compared to the power of nature so use this force to your advantage. As you observe the leaves falling from the trees or the color falling away from the plants, allow this movement to support your desired intent. Life is meant to be enjoyable. It does not need to be a constant challenge. Fall into nature and let her support you. It really can be that easy.

Marnie Vincolisi

Monday, August 31, 2015

Stay Present When Discomforts Arise

I have been traveling for about two months now and it has been a journey in more ways than one. Everywhere I go, I work at staying conscious of the messages that are being presented by spirit. Some are subtle and then there are those that scream in your face!

My tour in Damanhur was one of those loud messages that will not let you go back to sleep. Because I am still traveling, my time to get online is limited so there will be more to follow. Let me just say for now that when you ask to grow, change and be more enlightened, it is not always comfortable.

When challenges arise, stay present! The chatter in your head will try to lead you astray, but if you can stop, take a breath, and notice the world around you, it will help you understand what is going on and why.

Got to catch a flight!

Sending you love from afar,
Marnie Vincolisi

Friday, August 21, 2015

The Blessings Brought By Our Experiences

During a spiritual journey not all experiences are meant to challenge the spirit. Many bless it.

One of our blessings, the Crestone tour, resulted from spending time at a delightful spa in New Mexico called Ojo Caliente ( While soaking in the natural springs there, irritants from our bug bites where gently pulled out of our skin while we relaxed in baths of natural soda, iron, arsenic, and other minerals from the land.

I found the soda bath to be very nurturing. It brought to mind how Cleopatra might have felt as she soaked in her baths. This gave me the opportunity to move into a past life and entertain the idea of what it was like to live in Egypt long ago. We slathered mud all over out bodies and let it dry and tighten our skin in the sun. It was all so soothing and at the end of our spa adventure the itching was gone.

It is so easy In the summer to enjoy the gifts that nature has in store for us. Go out and find your joy. Nature will direct you.

Many blessings,
Marnie Vincolisi

Friday, August 14, 2015

What's Bugging You Today?

When outdoor summer fun includes bugs that irritate and bite, try using lavender oil with its pleasant fragrance to deter the nastiest insects and also calm your nervous system. A wise woman once told me to mix lavender oil, lemon juice, and apple cider vinegar as a spray-on concoction to protect against bug bites. But if you've already been bitten, once the poison has entered your skin, tee tree oil works well to pull the venom out and relieve the itch. Burn citronella or use sprays containing this element to keep the air around you free from these tiny dive bombers.

It really is all about finding a gentle way to address the irritants that show up in our lives on a daily basis. On a spiritual journey, these opportunities present themselves in spades. What's tickling your psyche? In every given moment, you get to choose if you are going to let it disturb you or not. It is your choice. No one or no thing out there is trying to upset you. Every situation which presents itself
is an opportunity for growth.

Remember it is not what is happening to you that changes your life. It is how you handle the situation that makes all the difference. How will you respond to life's little irritants today? Do they remind you of something? Do you carry your memories in a neutral or negative fashion?

Marnie Vincolisi

Friday, August 7, 2015

Change Your Thoughts and Let Irritations Become Messengers

Last week I talked about how buzzing and biting insects can throw off your energy, if you allow it. But with the proper adjustments, you can ease the distress and become aware of the message contained in the experience.

These adjustments can also hinder or aid the environment. One could spray toxic chemicals to kill these little intruders, which will hinder the growth and life of more constructive insects and birds. Or one could take some of the irritation oneself without immediate relief while protecting the environment. Although healthy alternatives do not always work as fast as chemicals, remember time is an illusion, and we have the ability to transcend it and move beyond the discomfort if given the chance.

Trying a gentler approach towards these little flying attacks holds the opportunity to move from the irritation in present time to understanding why the irrigation is present. Look at who or what is irritating you in your life and adjust your thinking. Give the troublesome situation a new perspective and those bugs just may stop biting.

Marnie Vincolisi

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Crestone - Part 1

I thought I would give you all an update from our tour of Crestone, Colorado. The weather was perfect as it was not too hot which is not the norm for July in this area of Colorado but there was a challenge. Mosquitoes! They were everywhere and they were ferocious.

When on a spiritual tour in a sacred space such as Crestone, everything that happens has a message. The biting of these little insects gave us an opportunity to let go of life's irritants and practice mindfulness, the Buddhist practice of being present with what is occurring in the moment without judgment. To see the experience as not good or bad but to merely be present with what is happening in the moment. This is tricky when there is pain followed by reoccurring itching for days. The continued itching is the reminder that allows your attention to be brought back to the moment. The body is talking, quite loudly in fact, and it wants to be noticed. What better way to get one back into present time? The mind is directed to take care of what is happening in the now, there is no space to think about what is to come in the future or the stressors of the past. The body says listen to me now and make the proper adjustments.

More to come next week!
Marnie Vincolisi

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Catch A Lazy Summer Day

Summer has traditionally meant it’s time to play and relax. So ask yourself, “Have I fulfilled all the requirements of summer? Did I swim, hike, listen to an outdoor concert, go on a picnic, sleep under the stars, watch fireworks, or just be lazy?” If not, get busy and unwind. There is still time!

So often we let life fly by, always making excuses that there is not enough time or money for the things we love to do. Life is what we make it; we give it value and decide what activity is going to capture our attention. As for money, the best things in life really are free. Moments we spend with the ones we care about cannot have a price placed upon them yet we try to pad the experience with expensive amusements.

This weekend, decide to have quality time with the most important person in your life: YOU. Do something that brings you joy, something you can do all by yourself. Many times, we do what others want us to do and we enjoy it because we are with the ones we love. But this time, do something that is just for you, even if it is sitting in the yard and allowing stray thoughts to float through your mind. Don’t worry about dinner. Don’t think about the wash. All that can wait. Now is the time for you. Give yourself the precious, priceless gift of being with and enjoying your own company. Do it now. Summer’s almost gone.

Marnie Vincolisi

Sunday, July 5, 2015

What Are Your Happy Memories of Summers Past?

The 4th of July is past and now it is officially summer. Think about what that has meant to you in the past, and I mean way past. Recall what it was like to be a kid on a hot summer day. What did you do? How did you spend your time and with whom?

I recall swimming every day at Portage Park Pool in the north side of Chicago watching Mr. Izzo water his pristine green lawn by hand (which we could never walk upon). I have fond memories of collecting pop bottles from the school yard across the street that were left by the boys who played baseball and using the money to buy candy (I have the cavities to prove it!). I also loved lying on the ground, watching the clouds roll by. As I write this these memories calm my mind and bring a smile to my face.

I suggest you do the same. Take a moment, for that is all you will need, and reminisce about the happy, carefree, lazy days of summer you had as a child. Sure there may be sad days weaved into your story, but this is about recalling the moments when life was without responsibility. Let the warm fuzzy memories wash over you and then go about your day. It just may brighten yours.

Happy summer!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Freedom is a State of Mind

Freedom comes in many forms and no one can give it to you. It is something you must claim for yourself.

It has been proven time and time again, imprisonment does not deter the human spirit. Nelson Mandela certainly held freedom in his vision, and even though he was held in jail for decades, he lived his true calling and helped his country. There are Vietnam veterans who have also found how they could free their spirits and their minds during their incarceration.

So the questions to ask yourself this Independence Day is “Who do I blame for taking away my freedom of …?" And then reclaim your sovereignty. It is really that simple. You are the one who controls how you think, feel and act. You are the one who imprisons yourself. Set yourself free!

In my liberty I stand,
Marnie Vincolisi

Monday, June 22, 2015

How Do You Become a Vessel of Light?

In my last blog I spoke of how we can bring the light from the peaceful places we travel, back into our cities. Today I will give you the steps to accomplish this.

We are already composed of light energy  It is within our cellular structure, but the intellectual part of us sometimes requires a visual to bring this into our awareness. There is so much that we know and feel in our esoteric being, but the thinking part of us denies this presence. In this visualization we will give the left brain the information it seeks so the right brain can feel the love.

1. Imagine, if you will, your body open to receiving the physical light which is apparent in sunlight.
2. Give this image the sensation of warmth.
3. Feel it on the outside of your body.
4. Allow it to penetrate past the many layers of your skin.
5. Follow it into your fatty tissue. Focus on a part of your body which feels tension.
6. Let the light float into your tendons and muscles, especially the ones that hold discomfort.
7. The light from the cosmos now fills each and every organ.
8. Let it intensify into any organ that calls to your attention.
9. Bathe it with this light which is comprised of love.
10. Imagine a single cell in your body. See it as a chalice.
11. Fill it with this light.
12. Replicate this image throughout every cell in your body.
13. Notice the sensation this creates. It could be a buzzing vibration, a humming sound, or something that is felt but difficult to explain in words.
14. Know that you will sense something.
15. Now you are attuned to the light which you are.
16. Allow this light from your cells to overflow into your world and those around you.

During the day, expand this light into any situation you see which requires an adjustment. Merely imagine this light overflowing from the inside out. It comes from your cells, radiates throughout your body and overflows into that scenario. That is all it takes. The light will pervade.

In the Light,
Marnie Vincolisi

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

How to Be An Ambassador of the Light

This week I have been visiting the beautiful Sierra Mountains. There is light in our sacred mountains and no matter where you live, in any part of the world, this stands true. Our job is to bring this light back to our cities and plains for the people who reside there.  Here’s how you can be an ambassador of the light:

When you arrive in the mountains, imagine yourself as a vessel and fill yourself up with light each and every day you are in these peaks that touch the sky. There is no need for long meditations to do this, unless that is your guidance. Just visualize being a scepter that holds and directs the essence of light and love.

To be an ambassador of light on this earthly plane does not require a lot of time and effort, merely an intention. Please join me as we travel to locations outside our homes during this time of vacations and holidays. We can gather the light and the sacred energy of the places we are drawn to for relaxation and bring it back to those who are locked in the cities or their minds.

Freedom is in your thoughts,
Marnie Vincolisi

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

How Does it Feel to Love Yourself?

In my meditation I was focusing on loving myself. I thought it interesting that when I said, “Marnie, I love you,” it felt different than when I said, “I love myself.” When I used my name it only encompassed this lifetime. When I said I I love myself it encompassed my entire existence — this lifetime, past lifetimes, future lifetimes, and parallel lifetimes. Try it for yourself.

1. Become still. Breathe into your quiet space
2. Say the words in your mind or out loud,”(say your name), I love you” and sit with that energy.
3. Do this in two ways; repeat your name silently within your mind and then say your name out loud. Notice any differences.
4. Now do the same thing except this time, don’t use your name. Just say “I love myself.”
5. Be aware of the difference.

By using the term “myself” you are talking to your soul. This will encompass all time dimensions and all time frames. I would be interested to see what you’ve noticed. Connect back with me and let me know.

Marnie Vincolisi

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

What's Back in Your Life?

I’m having a difficult time coming up with a blog this week because I feel so at peace. It’s been raining in Colorado for over a month every day and I’m talking pouring rain. Even though it didn’t depress me, now that I see the sun I know how much I’ve missed it.

So take a moment and think about what’s been missing in your life that just came back in again and brought you joy. When you’re in the darkness for so long and the light comes in, it’s time for rejoicing.

In the light,

Monday, May 25, 2015

Thank You, I Love You

I would like to expand on the information that I wrote about in my last blog from Dr. Hue Len, author of Zero Limits. What he shares with us allows us to be 100% responsible for what is happening in our life. So when struggle shows up, the question to ask is, "What is going on in me that I am experiencing this?" It is about going into the subconscious mind and addressing the data that has been stored. Everything within us is run by information. That stored information is dictating everything that we see and feel and how we perceive it to be. Everything we see through our eyes is veiled by the data that is stored in our subconscious mind.

Dr. Lee states that if you see someone in a certain way which is disturbing and you erase those thoughts within your mind they can longer be that way. This is how master Jesus worked. The reason people were healed in his presence is because he only saw the perfection within them. He did not see the disease. He did not see the afflictions or the negative emotions. Because he saw them as perfect divine beings, they could be nothing less. In this way you are being 100% responsible. You are taking responsibility for what is triggering you within your conscious and subconscious mind that is creating a negative reaction from you.

Dr. Len says the most profound thing in practicing ho,onnopono,o is you can erase the data that has been stored in the subconscious. So when you're experiencing anger, it is the memory of anger that is upsetting you, not the current situation. This process is about falling in love with the memory. You are saying to this anger, I love you, thank you for showing up.  I'm giving you one last chance to free you. Once the data is erased, it is no longer running you. Now you are in the space of emptiness that Buddha speaks of and in that open space, pure inspiration can come through.

With this in mind, all that's really necessary is to say "thank you" and "I love you." You're thanking the memory for showing up and you are filling it with love. When you make these statements from deep within your heart, the data is erased from the subconscious mind and you will feel it in your body.

I like using these two statements better than the "I'm sorry" and the "forgiveness" statements. My belief is that if I'm sorry and I'm asking forgiveness. then I'm saying I did something wrong. In the big scheme of things, you have never done anything wrong. This frees you to be open to self-love. Every decision is a perfect decision. In the moment, with the information you had at the time, you made the perfect decision. Granted a few seconds later or hours later you might receive new information that would have altered that decision. But in the moment, with the information you had, you made the perfect decision. So your statement for ho,onnopono,o is "thank you, I love you."

Thank you for showing up in my life.

I love you,

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

How to Let Go of What is Holding You Back

When we are in a funk, what helps us get out of it is to take full responsibility for what has happened and is happening in our lives. If we blame another for our situation, we are at their mercy until they correct what apparently went wrong. The only person you can change is yourself. Why not start there, with yourself, to make changes?

It is really quite simple to do and does not require a great amount of time. All you need is an open heart and to be ready to wipe out the data that has been locked in your sub consciousness mind. The process is called "ho'oponopono" and it works on the premise that our consciousness creates everything in and around us.

Dr. Len is the Hawaiian therapist who cured an entire ward of criminally insane patients without ever meeting any of them or spending a moment in the same room. Here is the full story:  Be sure to watch the video as Dr. Len explains his process much better than I.

I have applied this process many times and I am always impressed with the results. I feel different and I also see the people who I am forgiving act differently. But I am not forgiving them for what they did. I am forgiving the memory I hold about them. There are four simple steps: acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, and love.

Remember you are speaking to the memory you hold in your mind about that person or situation. The statement you make to erase the data that is running is: I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.  I just keep repeating the statement until I feel a shift. By forgiving the memory, you will be in a place of emptiness so inspiration can enter. I often become quite emotional and surprised at how these statements affect me.

Search "ho'oponopono" on YouTube and find the music you like that goes along with the statements. The one I used was 45 minutes long and I found using the process for that period of time put me into an altered state. I have used the process on many people and I truly feel different at the completion.

Give it a try and send me your results.
