Monday, August 31, 2015

Stay Present When Discomforts Arise

I have been traveling for about two months now and it has been a journey in more ways than one. Everywhere I go, I work at staying conscious of the messages that are being presented by spirit. Some are subtle and then there are those that scream in your face!

My tour in Damanhur was one of those loud messages that will not let you go back to sleep. Because I am still traveling, my time to get online is limited so there will be more to follow. Let me just say for now that when you ask to grow, change and be more enlightened, it is not always comfortable.

When challenges arise, stay present! The chatter in your head will try to lead you astray, but if you can stop, take a breath, and notice the world around you, it will help you understand what is going on and why.

Got to catch a flight!

Sending you love from afar,
Marnie Vincolisi

Friday, August 21, 2015

The Blessings Brought By Our Experiences

During a spiritual journey not all experiences are meant to challenge the spirit. Many bless it.

One of our blessings, the Crestone tour, resulted from spending time at a delightful spa in New Mexico called Ojo Caliente ( While soaking in the natural springs there, irritants from our bug bites where gently pulled out of our skin while we relaxed in baths of natural soda, iron, arsenic, and other minerals from the land.

I found the soda bath to be very nurturing. It brought to mind how Cleopatra might have felt as she soaked in her baths. This gave me the opportunity to move into a past life and entertain the idea of what it was like to live in Egypt long ago. We slathered mud all over out bodies and let it dry and tighten our skin in the sun. It was all so soothing and at the end of our spa adventure the itching was gone.

It is so easy In the summer to enjoy the gifts that nature has in store for us. Go out and find your joy. Nature will direct you.

Many blessings,
Marnie Vincolisi

Friday, August 14, 2015

What's Bugging You Today?

When outdoor summer fun includes bugs that irritate and bite, try using lavender oil with its pleasant fragrance to deter the nastiest insects and also calm your nervous system. A wise woman once told me to mix lavender oil, lemon juice, and apple cider vinegar as a spray-on concoction to protect against bug bites. But if you've already been bitten, once the poison has entered your skin, tee tree oil works well to pull the venom out and relieve the itch. Burn citronella or use sprays containing this element to keep the air around you free from these tiny dive bombers.

It really is all about finding a gentle way to address the irritants that show up in our lives on a daily basis. On a spiritual journey, these opportunities present themselves in spades. What's tickling your psyche? In every given moment, you get to choose if you are going to let it disturb you or not. It is your choice. No one or no thing out there is trying to upset you. Every situation which presents itself
is an opportunity for growth.

Remember it is not what is happening to you that changes your life. It is how you handle the situation that makes all the difference. How will you respond to life's little irritants today? Do they remind you of something? Do you carry your memories in a neutral or negative fashion?

Marnie Vincolisi

Friday, August 7, 2015

Change Your Thoughts and Let Irritations Become Messengers

Last week I talked about how buzzing and biting insects can throw off your energy, if you allow it. But with the proper adjustments, you can ease the distress and become aware of the message contained in the experience.

These adjustments can also hinder or aid the environment. One could spray toxic chemicals to kill these little intruders, which will hinder the growth and life of more constructive insects and birds. Or one could take some of the irritation oneself without immediate relief while protecting the environment. Although healthy alternatives do not always work as fast as chemicals, remember time is an illusion, and we have the ability to transcend it and move beyond the discomfort if given the chance.

Trying a gentler approach towards these little flying attacks holds the opportunity to move from the irritation in present time to understanding why the irrigation is present. Look at who or what is irritating you in your life and adjust your thinking. Give the troublesome situation a new perspective and those bugs just may stop biting.

Marnie Vincolisi