Saturday, January 30, 2016

How to Be Happy Now

Isn't the ultimate goal to be happy? We look for the relationship that makes us happy. We search for the vocation that we think will satisfy us and make us happy. We set the goal for the body shape that will bring a smile to our face when we look in the mirror. We assure ourselves that what we do and how we act will bring joy into our lives. Happiness is the gold ring that we all reach for, but did you know that there is such an easy way to do this that you might just miss it? Today I will give you the secret to happiness!

To be happy you just need to be happy. Yes, that is all it takes. Pretend. Imagine. Fake it till you make it. Trick your psyche into thinking it is happy. Hmmm, could it be that easy? Yes!

The mind is not as complex as we make it out to be. It is easily trainable. Look at all the things we have trained it to do over the years. We have been told you can't do this or that. You are not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, rich enough, slim enough, and our mind has followed suit and manifested those qualities into our lives.

Now it is time to reprogram your obedient mind. It has listened to everything else you have said up to now, so tell it that "I'm happy." That is it. Simple and true. Just for today, smile at everyone and everything. Look in the rear view mirror when you drive and smile at yourself. Think of a situation that stresses you and smile. When the thought comes to mind of something or someone who makes you unhappy, smile. You do not need to believe that you are happy, just smile. The accupuncture points in your face will be stimulated and the neurons in your brain will fire in a new way. So when you face that situation, new neural pathways will form. It is scientific and it is true.

Do you remember the song "Don't Worry, Be Happy?" It makes me smile as the tune runs through my head. So I give this music to you. Let it run in your head as you go through your day and see if, at the end of the day, you are just that, happy.

I'm smiling at you kid,

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Beauty Comes From Within


I enjoy going to art exhibits because it gives me an opportunity to get into the psyche of the artist. I find it fascinating to know why they paint what they do. This weekend I was able to have a glimpse into the life of Andrew Wyeth and his son Jamie Wyeth at an exhibit at the Denver Art Museum.

What intrigued me was that they did not veer far from their homes.  They lived in Pennsylvania and summered on an island in Maine. Their works are of the land and the people who lived around them. In order to fully capture the essence of their subjects, they would spend weeks with them, sketching and becoming familiar with who or what they were painting. Jamie even did this with a cow he chose to paint. Andrew spoke of the beauty in the blades of grass that he so eloquently captured.

My observation is this, how can we let go of judgments of others? What if we spent an entire week with them? Not just being at work with them or living with them but really being the observer of how they interact with their environment. Even if we cannot do this, we do have an opportunity to see the essence of who they are by paying attention, by being in the moment with them and listening to their words, noticing their expressions and how they interact with the people and things around them.

Look for the beauty in those you have difficulties with and it will ease your stress and open your heart. On this grey day in Colorado, I recall the grey sky of the Wyeth paintings and how beautiful they are.

Beauty comes from within.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

What Is Our Purpose?

Photo Courtesy of NASA

In meditation today I was contemplating the purpose of life in the human form. The concept has been understood to be that we take human form to develop our emotional body, but I sense there is more to it than that. When we are spirit, though we have an emotional body, one that can transform our spirit and allow it to grow, we do not have the capability to create as we do here on earth.

In a human form, we can create things that are solid, things that inspire others through our writings, words, actions, and voice. We can manifest incredible beauty that will affect others beyond our capacity to see. It is important that we do not loose sight of how we are inspiring others and the effect we can and do have on the world. Perhaps as the new year dawns, you might want to take a moment or two to reflect on how you have made a difference in this world, because we all do.

As I look back upon the last ten years, I recall how I have brought beauty into the world by remodeling four homes and their gardens. Granted I am no longer with two of these homes, but their beauty endures as do their gardens which continue to grow. Every person who walks by the land or enters the home has the opportunity to enjoy the love I placed there with my energy and creativity. Although it is up to the people who now live there to maintain what was originally created, I got the ball rolling, and even if the location deteriorates it does not diminish the love that has been anchored there.

When you look back at what you have accomplished do not get stuck in how those people, things, or locations are today. Recall your objective at the time and know your good intentions have anchored love onto this planet. And isn’t that what it is all about?

With love,
Marnie Vincolisi

Sunday, January 3, 2016

What Does 2016 Hold for You?

The new year is upon us and the question is, what will 2016 have in store for you? You may ask this and other questions at the psychic fair on Sunday January 24th, but in the mean time here are some tips on how you can access information for yourself. Then at the fair you can double check you impressions with the intuitive people there.

Find a time when things are quite at your home. This could be late in the evening after everyone goes to bed or you may want to get up early before others awake. One of the best times to receive intuitive guidance is at 3 am. Most of the people in the city are sleeping so there is less interference in the field, and your neighborhood or apartment building will have less activity as well.

Pay attention to your breath and allow this gentle movement to move you into stillness. Once you are resting in the quiet of your mind, propose your question to the Universe. Do not ask a specific question instead ask for a feeling. Request that you are given a felt sensation of what 2016 will bring to you. From that sensation other information may surface. Let go of expectations of how the information should come through, relax and make it fun.

Sending you blessings for the New Year!