Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Clear Out the Clutter and Welcome in the New

It is the middle of February and here in Colorado it feels like spring. How lovely! I see people responding to the weather as we do in the spring. The feeling is to clean up and clear out and that is a very healthy approach to life.

Even though it may be snowy where you live, join us in opening up to spring. Look around for things that have been stagnant. It could be a box in the back of your closet that is full of items that you no longer need. They hold energy that can hold you back from moving forward into a new adventure. It is excess weight, like a twenty-pound rock in your path.

This does not need to be a major project unless you have the time and inclination for it to be so. Look for one pile on your desk, junk in the trunk of your car, a corner of the garage, or a box of old memories. Restructure that space and see how your week unfolds as you activate energy to move towards your goals.

Happy Clearing!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Give Your Immunity a Boost

My blog is late this week because I have been down for the count with a nasty cold. I do not believe you can catch a cold because the germs are always out there. It is your resistance to those germs that determines if you catch a cold or flu.

Lately I have had my usual number of balls in the air, but this time there were a lot of decisions that needed to be made rather quickly and often. This overloaded my system and I caught what was floating around in the air. So how can my dilemma help you? I will tell you.

There is a simple way to boost your immune system and it does not require any special equipment. Just your body. Use this process to keep those viruses at bay and help get you over an illness faster.

1. Lie on your back with no pillow.
2. This is deep belly breathing.
3. As you exhale, pull your stomach in.
4. Bring your chin to your chest, but don’t lift your head, and point your toes towards your face.
5. Inhale, push your stomach out, point your toes, and tilt your head back.
6. Once again exhale, stomach in, chin towards chest, toes pointing towards your body.
7. Inhale, push your stomach out, point your toes and tilt your head back.
8. Repeat 10 times.

Its simple, its quick and it works.

Be well my friends,