Monday, June 27, 2016

How to Be a Ghost Buster

As I was working with a client this last week, I discovered a new way to assist disembodied souls into their next level. If you have read Claiming Your Inner Gifts, you have seen the Life Tool that shows how to accomplish this in a gentle and unattached way. Today I would like to share my new findings for this process.

When a soul has passed out of its body through death, it does not always realize it has left this dimension. It can stay around familiar surroundings and actually feel it is an integral part of the scenarios it observes. The process to help it move on involves introducing it to advanced beings on the other side.

There are times when the introduction alone will not encourage these souls to move on and further assistance is required. Help can come from divine beings or guides. I often call in legions of angels, but this can be over powering to some life forms so now I call in divine escorts. These escorts will adjust their light and vibration to meld with the one who needs assistance. These escorts are gentle, courteous and aware of what will make the deceased being most comfortable and unafraid. I find them to be quite efficient and quick to respond to my call.

In meditation, see if you can tune into the escorts and observe if they resonate with your energies. Then use them the next time you are called upon to assist deceased beings to the light.

Ghost Busting,

Monday, June 13, 2016

What To Do About Senseless Acts of Violence

I would like to address the tragedy that has occurred in Orlando and look at another way to assist those involved. Indeed, we have all been affected by this event. By taking a different approach than prayer, we could help to balance the disturbance that has rocked our nation. Directing love is one approach, but I would like to come from a different angle. Why not look at the sound waves and make adjustments in that vein.

People are angry and confused about how and why this has happened. Voices are ringing out and need to be heard, but more will be accomplished with a calm loving approach. As you direct your compassion and thoughts on how this can not be repeated, please visualize the sound waves changing. In that way, change will occur without trying to figure out the steps that will make it happen. The mind works with images.  The words only delay the process, and yet they are needed.

Visualize the sound frequency of anger, the high pitch of crying, the impact of gun shots and loud disturbing voices. See the velocity of the waves with their high and low peaks. Now gently allow the peaks to move down until they form a gentle wave, slowly moving in a rhythmic pattern that does not disrupt the energy field around it. See these waves as melodic, rhythmic tones.

This process removes the stress that is created in the mind when it feels out of control and unable to make changes in the world. This is another way to direct heart energy into the sadness and regret created by the actions of one man. It might sound too simple to make a difference, but it will.

In my heart,


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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How to Release What No Longer Serves You

Today I thought we could look at the base chakra. The general understanding is that your base chakra is the one you open to ground and connect to the earth. This allows you to be present here on earth while channeling the love of the cosmos into situations and people. But this energy center also has the ability to release that which has been completed and no longer serves you.

Let us look at the physical body. Food is taken into the body and after it has nourished you it is released through urine and stool. Using this metaphor I would like you to entertain the idea that this part of your light body can also be used to release that which no longer serves you.

In the stillness of your mind, perhaps in meditation, visualize your stressful thoughts flowing out of the lowest chakra of your body. The mind recognizes images, so to support this process, give this release a color, texture and smell. Sense it flowing down your legs, out the chakras in you feet and into the earth. Mother earth will then recycle and redistribute the energy into a useful product that will energize the planet. Nothing is lost except your unneeded concerns. This process is simple, fast and effective.

In love and light,

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday. Have you ever thought about what that day means on an esoteric level? I did and it helped me clear some sadness from my heart. On this, my 68th birthday, I woke up with a heavy heart. There was no apparent reason. In fact, the days preceding where just delightful. So I decided to do for myself what I do for my clients. I began to track to the core of this felt sensation of grief.

I could not deal with the emotions at hand right away. I lay in bed knowing that as long as my back was flat I could not reach the discovery I find in meditation. After about an hour I sat up, spine erect, and began entering into the quiet state of meditation. There I honored my existence and my decision to enter this body 68 years ago. I scanned my life and felt the heartaches and the joys, though the happiness was muted by the symphony of my tears. The joy was not denied, but in the play I was observing, it inhabited the wings of the theater. I kept repeating in my mind, “This is the day I chose to embody.”   This mantra began to open my heart and began to feel the sensations of my spirit coming into my body. It was not physical; it was mental, emotional and spiritual. I was doing my own form of rebirthing.

As I scanned the scenarios of my birth and the past 67 years, there was a floodgate of emotions. I stayed with the tears and did not try to appease what I was feeling. I simply honored the day of my birth and the decision I made at that time to experience life in this way. Unfolding before me was a deep revelation showing a pattern I had not seen before. It gave my intellectual mind something to grasp and my emotions became calm.  When I opened my eyes, the grief had lifted, and I was ready to be in the moment of my birthday, and the joy was there.

It does not need to be your birthday to experience this process for yourself. You too can do your own rebirthing. If there is an emotion that is predominant in your mind, this process will deepen your understanding of its presence. Here are the steps:
  1. Sit up with a straight spine. This sets the intention and physically aids to still the mind.
  2. Make your intention clear as to what you desire to discover in this moment.
  3. Take three long deep breaths and observe your mind and body as they switch gears.
  4. Repeat the mantra, “I honor the day I chose to enter my body.”
  5. Your intention will lead you along a memory path. Observe what is presented.
  6. If you feel sadness, anger, guilt, or judgment, just stay with the emotion by being the observer.
  7. Do not let the emotion take over. Allow it to be experienced by giving it a place to be expressed without a preordained conclusion.
  8. Even if you do not receive insight during this process, know the mere act of stilling your mind has its own rewards.
In love and light,