Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Illusion of Time and How to Slow it Down (or Speed it Up!)

Often there does not seem to be enough time to accomplish what is planned for the day. The holiday season along with end of the year duties only add to an already tight schedule. Wouldn't it be helpful if you could create more time to any given project? Perhaps I can help.

What makes a duty stressful is when you feel rushed and concerned about running out of time before a deadline, whether self-imposed or otherwise. Because the illusion of time can appear to change according to our mental state, the trick is stretching time in a way that can make the mind think it has more time.

Have you ever journeyed to a new place and it appeared to take an extended period of time to arrive yet on the way back, the time seemed shorter? The distance was the same as was the time it took to travel both ways, but the time it took felt different. You can make time seem shorter when you are working on a project with this simple step. Stay in present time!

When you are doing one thing while thinking about something else, time seems to drag even though you are rushing. If you would hold your attention on the task at hand, that project will appear to (and perhaps) be accomplished faster. Think of a time when you were in the zone, happy and enjoying what you were doing. Didn't you find that job seem to complete quickly? At that time, you were in present time. By paying attention to your job, you will relieve stress, work faster, and get more accomplished in a shorter period of time, thus stretching time.

Now go on about you day, check off the items on you list one by one as you concentrate only on one item at a time. And enjoy this holiday season. You just may be able to add one more fun thing to your list, like singing the Messiah with your family in San Francisco. I did. :)

Happy holidays,

Friday, December 9, 2016

Give to Yourself and Feel Your Heart Expand

This is the season of giving and I suggest you start with yourself. Really! When you make yourself happy, it is easy to do the same for others because you have already expanded your heart.

Take a moment, close your eyes, and think of what would make you happy in this moment. Not what you need in the future. That sets the bar too high. Just claim what would bring you joy in present time, and then do it. You will find that when you feed your desires in the moment, pleasing others becomes automatic without feelings of responsibility of this is what I "need" to do.

Recently I ventured into the mountains with my dearest friends to cut down a 13' holiday tree. (You can come and see it at the holiday party on December 27th.) Filled with our joyous intentions the day became magical. It was the day before the cold and snow hit Denver. We had sun, mild temperatures, speed in locating our trees, and strong men to drag them off the mountain. We even met delightful mountain people at lunch who shared their food with us at a Thai restaurant. Duck and calamari. Yum!

I implore you to find what makes you happy and then do it. The rest of the season will fall into place, as will you.

With a Smile from my Heart,

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Unresolved Emotional Issues Manifest in the Body

Whenever there is a presidential election, there will be an uneasiness, whether your candidate or the other was selected. No one really knows what to expect, especially with our new president-elect. The best thing we can do at this time is support all of our elected officials and make our voices known.  We need to hold our figure heads in the light and visualize the best possible outcome that will support our people and our country. What we see with our physical eyes is not what's happening on the etheric or higher level.

When we buy into fear and confusion we only increase it by adding energy to that fire. We are all processing the unrest in our country in our own way, and we must honor our individual processes. I just realized that I have been running grief and anger through my own body, and it puzzles me.

The day before the election I began to feel a cold coming on, attempting to infest my body. Even though I did all the holistic things I knew to do to prevent this illness, unfortunately by Friday it reached into my bronchial tubes and seemingly deterred me from my spiritual work. I now realize that I am doing my work, not in the way I have in the past, but this illness is helping me clear out my own emotional issues, and those in the country as well.

I try to walk my talk and not just give you insights but discover some for myself. When I looked in Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman, I found the issue of bronchitis holds an emotional component that did not appear to be things that were happening in my life at this time. It refers to bronchitis as holding these emotional issues:
  •   Wanting to change things but can't
  •   Wanting to be in charge but can't
  •   Extreme disharmony in the home
When physical or emotional issues stop us in our tracks, it is time to look deeper and see what is the underlying cause. Know that the cause is always multi-dimensional and not just one thing that is running you.

As I contemplated what I had discovered, I realized indeed I have experienced these issues in my life in years past. Hence, this not only gave me an understanding of why this part of my body was being compromised, but also gave me insight as to what is going on in the "body" of our country at this time as well. As you uncover your deep-seeded emotions, make sure you:
  •   Make time for yourself
  •   Take care of your body
  •   Nurture your emotions
Know that we are all doing deep healing for this country, one person at a time, and each of us is vital to the harmony and protection of our country and its people.

United we stand in the light,

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

There Is Always Hope

One could look at the situations in world and conclude that we are in trouble, but I have another view. The earth is always cycling in new spirits, and they come to us as beautiful innocent children. I feel they are the ones we should focus upon, and I am seeing many enlightened children entering the earth. Today I will share with you the insights of an 11 year-old. Her mother is going through some troubling times and she sent her mom a hand written card.  I feel this little one’s focus is knowledge that can assist us all. Marking each phrase with a different color pencil, here is what she wrote.
  • “No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart.”
  • “The world is full of beautiful things just like you.”
  • “Beauty isn’t about having a petty face. It’s about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart and a pretty soul.”
  • “Live every moment. Love beyond words. Laugh every day.”
  • “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Gandhi
  • “A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.”  – Gandhi
  • “Strength does not come from winning your struggles. Develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”  – Gandhi
  • “Imagination is more important that knowledge.”  –  Albert Einstein
  • “Happiness is when what you think, what your say and what you do are in harmony.” – Gandhi
  • “Every time I look at the keyboard I see that u and I are always together” – Bella
  • “If I could be with you in my dreams I would never wake up.”
  • “No one can hurt me without my permission.”
With an 11 year-old quoting Gandhi, there is hope for this world.

In the Light,

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Bring the Election into a New Light

Photo courtesy NASA
The presidential election is just around the corner and has many Americans struggling with what is presented before them. One can become quite confused and even angry if you allow it to happen. I am proposing another way to look at this seemingly negative situation.

Our presidential candidates are actually channeling the negative energy that has been prevalent in our country for years. Now it is coming to a head and being reflected in the people we choose to elect. So as the days dwindle and the election comes closer rather than allowing the media to control your emotions, change your thinking into a place of compassion, love and balance. Blaze light around all the candidates and proposed amendments. Know the people presented to us have the difficult job of being the figureheads of the imbalance of our county. They are pawns; support them with love. Do not let what they say move you from knowing that divine order is always the final say.

We are a country that was created because our forefathers desired freedom from the dictates of a king. That truth of our freedom will hold true if we visualize an outcome that will serve us as a nation. I trust that the Light will always prevail, even if we cannot see it happening.

Light is there!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Clearing Your Space of Ghostly Interference

As we get close to Halloween, what better time than now to remove those unwanted, out-of-body guests from your home or office? Yes, I am talking about ghosts. You may think your space is free from those pesky intruders, but if you are finding your computer acting up, contracts are falling through, or family and coworkers are becoming unnecessarily agitated, there may be interference from outside sources. All of this can be resolved rather quickly.

I do not see ghosts as scary, merely misplaced souls. As in daily life, one can lose one's way and end up on a wrong street going in the wrong direction. This is how I approach the removal of spirits. There is nothing to fear.  They cannot harm you. They do not have a body, and if they follow you home, there are ways to keep them out of harms way and redirected to the proper place.

Helping souls to a different dimension does not need to be a timely process, but having the proper tools and instructions will be advantageous to your success. In one evening you can clear a space and safely rally souls from a place of confusion.

Make this your Halloween project. Join me on October 25, in person or online, to learn how to successfully help disembodied beings move into the light. We will look at the homes or offices of those who attend class and learn how to clean up their space.  You will go home feeling relieved and ready for your Halloween celebration.

I welcome all boo-tiful people to the class.

Floating through life,

Friday, October 7, 2016

Animal-Assisted Healing Energy

If you think animals are not in-tune to healing energy, think again. One of the Reiki practitioners that I trained allows her horses to join in on her Reiki sessions. She sets up her massage table in the field where horses graze. Below is her account.

“Typically the horses are walking around, eating, biting each other, playing, but not during the session. They were so focused and calm. Notice their eyes in the photos. The person receiving the treatment is scheduled for shoulder surgery; the horses picked up on it immediately. They also spent a lot of time at her solar plexus. When I ended the session, they both walked away and did their typical horsey things. SO powerful and beautiful!!”

My suggestion for this week is to focus on your pets and notice how they respond when you are meditating or giving a Reiki treatment to yourself or another. You just may find they are assisting the process. Don’t forget to thank them.

With love,

Friday, September 30, 2016

Preparing for a Positive Outcome

I have two very close friends who are having medical treatments this week. One is a CAT scan on her lungs and the other is a serious eye surgery. I would like to share with you how I feel we can assist the doctors and hopefully provide a positive outcome with any medical procedure.

Similar to clearing a home or space, I imagine energetically, with my mind, the operating or procedure room.
  1. Use muscle testing or a pendulum to clear the space of any fear, mistakes, anger, and negative emotions.
  2. Check to see if there are any spirits remaining in this location. Use the system to move to the light (Life Tool: Transition to the Light, found in Claiming Your Inner Gift by Marnie Vincolisi).
  3. Connect the medical staff to their higher selves and remove all doubt, stress, and uncertainty.
  4. Ground the table where the patient will lay.
  5. Ask that the highest good comes from this experience for all concerned.
  6. Imagine a colorful grid weaving the patient to the medical staff, operating tools, or machinery.
  7. See their hearts and minds blend into one harmonious melody.
  8. Let go of expectations and fill the space with love.
  9. Know in your heart that you have made the procedure go smoother than it would have without the love that you have directed to all concerned.
  10. Remember to have the intent that this clarity and love will extend out to all within that medical facility.
In compassion and love,

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Lightening Your Load

Life is like carrying a backpack full of bricks. Every time there is an incident that is uncomfortable, you place yet one more brick into your backpack. One can become unsteady carrying this heavy load, and when something really traumatic occurs, it can cause you to lose your balance and actually fall into a dark space. When this happens, it can be difficult to get up again because of the weight you have on your body.

Rather than struggling to get up, why not start by lessening your load? Take out the bricks you can, look at them, understand these are stressors of the past that are not happening in this moment. Then place them aside as you build a small wall. You do not need to create a huge construction site, but taking out the old stressors that you have been keeping around for the last few years or even your lifetime, can help you regain your balance and move on.

Remember the mind works better with images than with words. Do not use your energy and time analyzing each brick. Merely use the image that you are taking it out of your backpack and placing it on the wall. Make it easy on yourself.

Lightening the load,

Friday, September 16, 2016

How Reiki Helps Even the Youngest Souls

Definition of accident: (noun) the inevitable result of immutable natural laws. Ambrose Bierce “Devils Dictionary.”

My 10-year-old granddaughter in San Francisco is a figure skater and fell while ice-skating before school today. She cut her chin and was on the way to the hospital so she called me for some Reiki healing. She was afraid that the stitches were going to hurt so I guided her into a gentle meditation. I had to think quickly so I asked her to think of a place that makes her feel calm and what would she be doing there. She said I like to be with Enzo (her dog.)

I told her imagine petting his soft fur, to feel his warm body and look into his eyes and feel his love. She began to feel calmer and then said to me, “Nona, when Enzo looks into my eyes he is looking into my soul.” I thought to myself, this wisdom is coming from a 10-year -old.

So today I give you the wisdom of this child with a quick meditation to relieve your stress when it creeps in. Find something that you enjoy and in your mind go there. Let the current situation or pain be placed on the side-lines while you enter into a calm state that you have been in before. And remember that if you have a pet, think of looking into their eyes and know they can see your soul and they love you to the depths of your soul.

We are so blessed with our four-legged friends on this planet!

Healing vibes,

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

How to See What is Really Going On

Sometimes I scare myself! I was driving alone on the highway and I began to hear a screeching sound. It appeared to be coming from the bag that was on my passenger's seat. I was shopping and I wondered if something had somehow crawled into the bag.

Racing 60 miles an hour down the road my mind began to race as well. The sound continued and my heart began to beat faster. The question that arose was, "What if this thing gets out of the bag and runs up my leg!"

I decided the best thing to do was to get off the road before I got onto I-70. But then the thought that began to plague my mind was how do I get the screeching thing out of the bag? Is it a bird that will fly away or is it a mouse or worse a rat that will run up my leg? Yikes! I know, I will stop the car and hit the bag with my purse, it will fall on the ground and I will be safe. Yes, that is what I will do.

As I moved onto the exit, I looked at the passenger window. It appeared to be closed but just for giggles I pressed the button to raise the window. The screeching subsided, my heart stopped beating so fast and my mind calmed down. There was nothing in my car but me and my imagination. Safe and sound I continued my ride up to Genesee.

How many times have you been spooked by the unseen? If you would like to research what is in your car, home, office, or property that drives your imagination wild, come to the class on September 13 at 6 PM. You will learn how to clear any space energetically without fear and be able to decipher with clear, precise knowledge, what is really going on.  To sign up for this class, click here.

With love,

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Quick Remedy for Food Poisoning

I have a health tip for you today. Put it in the back of your mind and hopefully you will never need it. Going out to eat is fun and I often get new ideas for cooking at home, but tainted and spoiled food can creep into some of the best restaurants. I have been told by a restaurant owner that there is really no such thing as the 24-hour flu. When this ailment appears, it is food poisoning!

A quick remedy is charcoal. The charcoal will attract the parasites in your stomach and colon causing you to feel bad. These nasty little critters hang in the warmth of your body. The faster you take the charcoal, the quicker the symptoms will subside.

You can purchase charcoal in capsules which make it easy to digest. I always have some in my medicine cabinet and take it along on trips. Charcoal will bind up your system so take vitamin C to keep things releasing from your colon. Start with three capsules of each every hour until the symptoms decrease. This will only take two or three doses. Then take two capsules of each the next day two or three times. This should clear out your system.

I know this is not pleasant to talk about, but it really is good to know in your time of need. If you are proficient with a pendulum check, see if your stomach upset is from parasites from spoiled food or something else. Then ask if this remedy will work for you.

There will be a class in how to increase your intuitive skills September 6 at 6pm. On August 30th, we will work with pendulums and other ways to access your inner knowledge in a Chigong class. Click here for details. With practice, you can get accurate information even at a time when your body is stressed.

To your health,

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Increase Your Energetic Power

You can increase the energy that comes out of your hands with a few simple steps. Even if you have not been trained in Reiki, the power lies dormant within you until you have the intention to activate it. Reiki training will allow you to become aware of how you can adjust your life and add possibilities beyond your imagination, but for now let’s look at how to intensify and increase your felt power.

Qigong (also spelled "chi gung" or "chi kung") is an ancient practice that moves energy or "chi" through your body. The movements are gentle and rhythmic. When one is unable to fully move their body due to physical restraints, the mere act of imagining the body moving will still give good results. Chi can be directed to meridian lines, specific organs, into the aura, or out into the universe.

During the coming months, I will be hosting a monthly group to see how Qigong can increase your Reiki abilities, or the power you already have, while it balances your body on all levels. The Qigong movements will sometimes be viewed on DVDs or by following me. Massage tables will be set up to help you become aware of the increased energy that will undoubtedly follow. I hope you will join us starting September 30 at 6pm (fee $20).


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Is Your Heart Self-Contained?

I have been working in my garden and noticed no matter how much I watered one of my plants it still continued to wilt. I have been contemplating this dilemma and have come to the conclusion that the problem is in the soil. I had just transplanted another plant and found that the root system was self-constrained. It did not spread out into the hard clay soil around it because the clay is not open to receiving water like the mulch around the plant. It had nothing to hold onto. This made me think of my heart.

In order for your heart to open and remain open it requires fertile soil to expand into. If you keep you heart accessible to only a few people, it diminishes its ability to develop.

The way to support an open heart is to give out love to anyone who you come in contact with during the day, and I mean everyone: the mail carrier, lawn workers in your neighborhood, a clerk, the beggars that come near your car. There is no limit to how you can open the space around your heart. All that is required is a smile, but it needs to be genuine. If you don’t allow it to emanate from your heart, it is merely a muscle movement that has no substance. If it seems appropriate, a few kind words directed at their well-being can be a nice touch. Try it out my friends and see how your heart feels.

Radiating love to you,

Monday, June 27, 2016

How to Be a Ghost Buster

As I was working with a client this last week, I discovered a new way to assist disembodied souls into their next level. If you have read Claiming Your Inner Gifts, you have seen the Life Tool that shows how to accomplish this in a gentle and unattached way. Today I would like to share my new findings for this process.

When a soul has passed out of its body through death, it does not always realize it has left this dimension. It can stay around familiar surroundings and actually feel it is an integral part of the scenarios it observes. The process to help it move on involves introducing it to advanced beings on the other side.

There are times when the introduction alone will not encourage these souls to move on and further assistance is required. Help can come from divine beings or guides. I often call in legions of angels, but this can be over powering to some life forms so now I call in divine escorts. These escorts will adjust their light and vibration to meld with the one who needs assistance. These escorts are gentle, courteous and aware of what will make the deceased being most comfortable and unafraid. I find them to be quite efficient and quick to respond to my call.

In meditation, see if you can tune into the escorts and observe if they resonate with your energies. Then use them the next time you are called upon to assist deceased beings to the light.

Ghost Busting,

Monday, June 13, 2016

What To Do About Senseless Acts of Violence

I would like to address the tragedy that has occurred in Orlando and look at another way to assist those involved. Indeed, we have all been affected by this event. By taking a different approach than prayer, we could help to balance the disturbance that has rocked our nation. Directing love is one approach, but I would like to come from a different angle. Why not look at the sound waves and make adjustments in that vein.

People are angry and confused about how and why this has happened. Voices are ringing out and need to be heard, but more will be accomplished with a calm loving approach. As you direct your compassion and thoughts on how this can not be repeated, please visualize the sound waves changing. In that way, change will occur without trying to figure out the steps that will make it happen. The mind works with images.  The words only delay the process, and yet they are needed.

Visualize the sound frequency of anger, the high pitch of crying, the impact of gun shots and loud disturbing voices. See the velocity of the waves with their high and low peaks. Now gently allow the peaks to move down until they form a gentle wave, slowly moving in a rhythmic pattern that does not disrupt the energy field around it. See these waves as melodic, rhythmic tones.

This process removes the stress that is created in the mind when it feels out of control and unable to make changes in the world. This is another way to direct heart energy into the sadness and regret created by the actions of one man. It might sound too simple to make a difference, but it will.

In my heart,


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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How to Release What No Longer Serves You

Today I thought we could look at the base chakra. The general understanding is that your base chakra is the one you open to ground and connect to the earth. This allows you to be present here on earth while channeling the love of the cosmos into situations and people. But this energy center also has the ability to release that which has been completed and no longer serves you.

Let us look at the physical body. Food is taken into the body and after it has nourished you it is released through urine and stool. Using this metaphor I would like you to entertain the idea that this part of your light body can also be used to release that which no longer serves you.

In the stillness of your mind, perhaps in meditation, visualize your stressful thoughts flowing out of the lowest chakra of your body. The mind recognizes images, so to support this process, give this release a color, texture and smell. Sense it flowing down your legs, out the chakras in you feet and into the earth. Mother earth will then recycle and redistribute the energy into a useful product that will energize the planet. Nothing is lost except your unneeded concerns. This process is simple, fast and effective.

In love and light,

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday. Have you ever thought about what that day means on an esoteric level? I did and it helped me clear some sadness from my heart. On this, my 68th birthday, I woke up with a heavy heart. There was no apparent reason. In fact, the days preceding where just delightful. So I decided to do for myself what I do for my clients. I began to track to the core of this felt sensation of grief.

I could not deal with the emotions at hand right away. I lay in bed knowing that as long as my back was flat I could not reach the discovery I find in meditation. After about an hour I sat up, spine erect, and began entering into the quiet state of meditation. There I honored my existence and my decision to enter this body 68 years ago. I scanned my life and felt the heartaches and the joys, though the happiness was muted by the symphony of my tears. The joy was not denied, but in the play I was observing, it inhabited the wings of the theater. I kept repeating in my mind, “This is the day I chose to embody.”   This mantra began to open my heart and began to feel the sensations of my spirit coming into my body. It was not physical; it was mental, emotional and spiritual. I was doing my own form of rebirthing.

As I scanned the scenarios of my birth and the past 67 years, there was a floodgate of emotions. I stayed with the tears and did not try to appease what I was feeling. I simply honored the day of my birth and the decision I made at that time to experience life in this way. Unfolding before me was a deep revelation showing a pattern I had not seen before. It gave my intellectual mind something to grasp and my emotions became calm.  When I opened my eyes, the grief had lifted, and I was ready to be in the moment of my birthday, and the joy was there.

It does not need to be your birthday to experience this process for yourself. You too can do your own rebirthing. If there is an emotion that is predominant in your mind, this process will deepen your understanding of its presence. Here are the steps:
  1. Sit up with a straight spine. This sets the intention and physically aids to still the mind.
  2. Make your intention clear as to what you desire to discover in this moment.
  3. Take three long deep breaths and observe your mind and body as they switch gears.
  4. Repeat the mantra, “I honor the day I chose to enter my body.”
  5. Your intention will lead you along a memory path. Observe what is presented.
  6. If you feel sadness, anger, guilt, or judgment, just stay with the emotion by being the observer.
  7. Do not let the emotion take over. Allow it to be experienced by giving it a place to be expressed without a preordained conclusion.
  8. Even if you do not receive insight during this process, know the mere act of stilling your mind has its own rewards.
In love and light,

Monday, May 23, 2016

Don't Let Fear Run Your Mind

I would like to give you an update on House Bill 16-1320. The fear that I have seen going around the metaphysical community is that soon Reiki practitioners and others who practice various alternative healing modalities will need to be licensed by the state. Therefore I attended the DORA meeting last Monday to receive the information right from the source.

I am happy to tell you that from what I perceived, there is no need for concern. DORA assured us that they have no intention of creating a need for any more licensures than are already in place. The bill is to allow DORA to partner with law enforcement to stop the sex and human trafficking that has become a major problem in the Denver area. Reiki and other healing modalities are listed as exempt in the bill.

The concern of some in the alternative healing community is that these exemptions can be removed by DORA if there are too many complaints and arrests connected with one modality. Some of the attendees are asking for the wording to be adjusted so the individual, not the modality, becomes exempt.

I feel Reiki will not be one of the healing modalities that could be affected by these changes in the future. As I mentioned in my last blog, do not allow fear to run in your mind and affect your outside world. What you resist persists. Stay in your heart and know you create your own reality and that is what will bring peace into your being.

In love and admiration,

Thursday, May 12, 2016

You Are a Beacon of Light

It has been brought to my attention that there is new legislation in Colorado, House Bill 16-1320, that will dictate how Reiki can be administered. The bill that has been passed by both Houses and is now on the desk of Governor John Hickenlooper, will require everyone offering any type of alternative holistic care to have a massage license.

Do not allow this to elicit fear. Life is about change. If this change occurs, then we will change with it. It will not stop how we help others in need. Our practice is one of love and light. Nothing can change that. Stay in your heart; write to Governor Hickenlooper and let him know how you feel about this bill, and then release it out into the Universe.

The power of love is stronger than any rule that a government agency can create. You are that essence of love and you are trained in how to transfer it to others. Focus on that and fear will subside.

In the Light,

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Your Heart is Already Protected

For the last 10 days I have been in a retreat, of sorts, having contracted a bacterial infection that put me out of commission. I have spent most of the day sleeping, reading and, when I had enough energy (that took about a week), in meditation.  It is so interesting to see, when the body cannot function in its usual mode, what happens to the psyche.

For the most part I have been in silence, not speaking and also no chatter in my head. As my energy revived I found meditation to be my calming companion. One thing that has arisen is the care of my heart because the dis-ease of my body was in my chest. I have felt my heart physically, emotionally, and spiritually. One part of the heart I have ignored is the pericardium so I have spent sometime contemplating this organ and the meridian line to it from the middle finger up the arm and into the chest.

The mind works best when it has an image to focus upon. The pericardium wraps itself around the heart and secures it. It is its protection. Over the years there have been many ways I have protected my heart but none of those ways elicit the physical embrace of the pericardium. I have heard the term but never really understood its function. Now I not only can see it, I can feel it.

My suggestion for this week is to research this organ of utmost importance. This will give your mind an image to visualize as you open your heart knowing that it is already protected and wrapped in love on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.

Embracing your heart,
Marnie Vincolisi

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Tapestry of Life is Filled with Holes

I must say, I love to observe the tapestry of life. How the scenarios create colors, rhythms, and can make knots or holes when a tiff appears. Once you take a moment to step back, the colors and the flow of this life tapestry is perfect in its imperfection.

I was flying home from California last Sunday and sat next to an adorable 7-month-old baby. His mother suggested I sit somewhere else so that his crying would not disturb me, but I chose to stay at my window seat because I love to look out the window, even at night. What was surprising was who disturbed me on this trip. His infrequent tears really didn’t bother me, but what did bother me was the woman sitting behind me who talked loudly and never stopped. If there was a lull in the conversation, she would fill in the gap by asking questions of her seat mates. The conversation went on and on and I wondered if she would ever stop. Indeed, for 2 1/2 hours, she did not. I definitely had a judgment of her which was creating a hole in my tapestry of life.

I did notice that her questions probed into what interested these young girls. She shared her wisdom of 30+ years and shared parts of herself as well. She did appear to really be interested in who they were. Towards the end of the flight, she mentioned her husband with great admiration and called him a rock star. My knot in the tapestry was my doubt that there was a man who could listen to this incessant chatter.

Glad to be off the plane at luggage, I saw her with her rock star husband. He was on the plane as well, just in a different row. He gently talked to her, kissed her, and I could sense that he adored her as much as she did him. He did not mind her chatter because he saw her good qualities and how she really cared for others.

This completely changed my view of this woman. Not everyone who is loved and is loving needs to fit into my mold. I drove home feeling content that even from afar I had met such kind and caring people. They come in many different packages and I can see I must keep my eyes open without filters to find them.

Marnie Vincolisi

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Why Meditate?

A question you may ask yourself is why bother with meditations? Besides all the benefits, which I will list later, let’s just look at how our body works. We cannot push our bodies day and night. At some point your body will call to you for rest. This reprieve is required every single day. If you skip a day of sleep, it will be difficult to function and perform everyday tasks. Your brain also requires a respite.

Our psyche does not require as long of a break as our bodies, but it does need at least 20 minutes once a day to recharge. During this 20-minute pause, the brain reorganizes it thoughts, stressors and ideas. This allows for new images to form and inner guidance to be activated by increased intuition. Stilling the body is the first step towards calming the mind. Sometimes all it takes is for one to sit down and look out the window into nature. An extensive, exact meditation process is not always necessary, though a guided practice can help keep one on track.

Give yourself the gift of silence, once a day, for 20 minutes or however long time permits. You may find you will:
  •             Sleep better
  •             Have increased energy
  •             Calm a worried mind
  •             Let go of stress
  •             Feel physically stronger
  •             Become more aware of your surroundings
  •             Increase your intuition
  •             Love yourself
The list goes on. Try meditation and list the differences you find in your life.

Need guidance to meditate? Here's a link to some MP3s that will help you.


Thursday, April 7, 2016

This Spring, Care for the Earth, Naturally

In the past I have talked about how to take care of your body, but now I will address how to take care of the body of the earth. When I get out into nature it feeds my soul and rejuvenates by body, therefore yard work is not a chore. Today I will give you information that will get you connected to and caring for the largest plant in your yard, your lawn. We are all one. We are connected to the animals, the plants and the land, so it is natural to give as much care to the earth as we give to ourselves.

It is spring in Colorado and it is awakening my senses. Our grass is beginning to turn green but in the north sections of my yard where the snow did not melt quickly, the lawn is looking pretty brown. Fertilizer will green it up but the chemicals do not support the environment. I will give you an easy recipe for a natural tonic for your lawn.

All you need is:
  • One full can of regular pop (any kind-no diet soda)
  • One full can of beer (no light beer) 12oz
  • 1/2 cup of liquid dishwashing soap (do NOT use anti-bacterial dishwashing liquid)
  • 1/2 cup of household ammonia
  • 1/2 cup of mouthwash (any brand)
  • Pour into 10-gallon hose-end sprayer (any hose sprayer will do)
  • Spray on lawn till it runs off
  • In high heat, apply every three weeks
So does it work? We will see. Come to the next Reiki share on May 11, 6:45 and see how my lawn has responded to the tonic. Naturally I will be directing a little Reiki on it as well.

Want to know how and why the tonic works? Here is the link:

Happy spring!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Healing Energy Codes

If you are reading this blog, you no doubt know how to move energies and activate healing for yourself and others. But today I am going to give you yet one more tool to place in your energy tool box. These are healing codes that were given to me, and I have mentioned them in my classes. At last I am passing them on.

There are those who know how to activate energy through numbers. Some of you may have met Wendy Knobloch at the psychic fairs that I have had here at my home. She is a numerologist and has passed along these healing codes to me from the source where she received them. They are free, and she encourages others to distribute them out into the world. If you find them useful, I suggest you do the same.

The end of the document references who brought in these codes. All I can tell you is that they work. I can’t say why as it is more than mere intention, but they do work and within minutes in many cases. I have used them and found they release in minutes the discomfort of nausea, bloating, itching, and the effects of allergies, to name a few. To access this easy-to-navigate healing tool, click here.

I hope these codes will ease any discomfort you may encounter for yourself and others.

In the Light,

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Are You Self-Critical?

Do you ever listen to the continual conversation that goes on in your head? I do and it is not always positive. When you redirect the energy and allow yourself to see another side of the story that's running in your psyche you can quiet the confrontation. I had such an experience just the other day.

While enjoying an evening of tango dancing, I found myself sitting on the sidelines waiting for a partner. After a few dances, no one came to my rescue. The teacher came over and began dancing with me, and we spent quite a few dances going around the floor as she instructed me on how to improve my technique. While driving home, I began questioning myself as to what was wrong with me because none of the male dancers came by to dance with me.

I allowed the cacophony in my head to give me a long list of reasons as to why I was not picked to be on the dance floor. All of them negatively judgmental towards myself. I was not comfortable with the scenarios I was creating so I opened my mind up to perceive a new way of understanding what was going on.

Then it came to me that this was exactly what I needed. The teacher noticed me and spontaneously gave me a private lesson. All was in divine order as it always is. I did not need to dance and practice with men who could not understand where I needed to change my style of dancing. While dancing with the teacher, I was able to receive help and improve my tango skills. What a blessing!

So I suggest to you today when you start hearing that negative self talk in your head that you take a moment to stop, breathe, and allow yourself to move around the situation to see it from another side. Spirit is always there waiting for you to ask for help and ready to respond. All it takes is consistency. The more you ask and the more you listen, the easier it will be to hear.

Listening to the sweet voices in my head,

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Relationships Can Be Teachers

Relationships come to us in many forms. We have them with family, co workers, neighbors, friends, and the ever challenging intimate relationships. The Golden Rule says "do unto others as you would have them do unto you," but sometimes the other person does not want what you want. A better rule would be to find out what the other person wants and offer to make it happen by working together.

The key is to pay attention to the mood and level of energy that is being created between the two of you in the moment. This will give you clues as how to respond to the question or circumstance. Perhaps their energy will not support your interaction at the time. Maybe a kind word or compliment will soften their energy so they will be more receptive to your input.

Open your intuition and sense what will serve the other party and then if it aligns with your intention, offer this to them. There is no need to give your power away or diminish who you are. There are sometimes when you can adjust the mood of the scenario by knowing what the other person needs.

Stop - reacting
Look - at the need of another
Listen - to your heart

With compassion,

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Parallel Lives

I would like you to consider that perhaps you have more than one life running at the same time. These are called parallel lives. The movie "Sliding Doors" with Gwyneth Paltrow follows this scenario. Multiple lives can confuse our current situation when they bleed into the present time frame, but they can also help us.

When there has been a situation in your life that continued to disturb your psyche, calling on a parallel existence could help. Let’s say, for example, that in this life your family dynamics were less than desirable. Even though you have looked at that situation numerous times and forgiven those involved, the memory still haunts you and records in your bodies: physical, mental and/or emotional. Now you can eliminate the charge by focusing on a parallel family.

Take a moment to still your mind and enter a state of relaxation and meditation. In the stillness of your heart, ask for a new family to appear, one who cares and nurtures you. You may see it emerge on an alternate time frame. See this as frames on a movie film. Run this movie in your mind's eye. See the current family on a filmstrip next to the parallel one. Turn off the current film and allow the parallel family movie to run. Step into this film and interact with the members of this new cast.

Notice how it feels to be in this new story line. Now make it your original story.

See you at the movies,

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Clear Out the Clutter and Welcome in the New

It is the middle of February and here in Colorado it feels like spring. How lovely! I see people responding to the weather as we do in the spring. The feeling is to clean up and clear out and that is a very healthy approach to life.

Even though it may be snowy where you live, join us in opening up to spring. Look around for things that have been stagnant. It could be a box in the back of your closet that is full of items that you no longer need. They hold energy that can hold you back from moving forward into a new adventure. It is excess weight, like a twenty-pound rock in your path.

This does not need to be a major project unless you have the time and inclination for it to be so. Look for one pile on your desk, junk in the trunk of your car, a corner of the garage, or a box of old memories. Restructure that space and see how your week unfolds as you activate energy to move towards your goals.

Happy Clearing!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Give Your Immunity a Boost

My blog is late this week because I have been down for the count with a nasty cold. I do not believe you can catch a cold because the germs are always out there. It is your resistance to those germs that determines if you catch a cold or flu.

Lately I have had my usual number of balls in the air, but this time there were a lot of decisions that needed to be made rather quickly and often. This overloaded my system and I caught what was floating around in the air. So how can my dilemma help you? I will tell you.

There is a simple way to boost your immune system and it does not require any special equipment. Just your body. Use this process to keep those viruses at bay and help get you over an illness faster.

1. Lie on your back with no pillow.
2. This is deep belly breathing.
3. As you exhale, pull your stomach in.
4. Bring your chin to your chest, but don’t lift your head, and point your toes towards your face.
5. Inhale, push your stomach out, point your toes, and tilt your head back.
6. Once again exhale, stomach in, chin towards chest, toes pointing towards your body.
7. Inhale, push your stomach out, point your toes and tilt your head back.
8. Repeat 10 times.

Its simple, its quick and it works.

Be well my friends,

Saturday, January 30, 2016

How to Be Happy Now

Isn't the ultimate goal to be happy? We look for the relationship that makes us happy. We search for the vocation that we think will satisfy us and make us happy. We set the goal for the body shape that will bring a smile to our face when we look in the mirror. We assure ourselves that what we do and how we act will bring joy into our lives. Happiness is the gold ring that we all reach for, but did you know that there is such an easy way to do this that you might just miss it? Today I will give you the secret to happiness!

To be happy you just need to be happy. Yes, that is all it takes. Pretend. Imagine. Fake it till you make it. Trick your psyche into thinking it is happy. Hmmm, could it be that easy? Yes!

The mind is not as complex as we make it out to be. It is easily trainable. Look at all the things we have trained it to do over the years. We have been told you can't do this or that. You are not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, rich enough, slim enough, and our mind has followed suit and manifested those qualities into our lives.

Now it is time to reprogram your obedient mind. It has listened to everything else you have said up to now, so tell it that "I'm happy." That is it. Simple and true. Just for today, smile at everyone and everything. Look in the rear view mirror when you drive and smile at yourself. Think of a situation that stresses you and smile. When the thought comes to mind of something or someone who makes you unhappy, smile. You do not need to believe that you are happy, just smile. The accupuncture points in your face will be stimulated and the neurons in your brain will fire in a new way. So when you face that situation, new neural pathways will form. It is scientific and it is true.

Do you remember the song "Don't Worry, Be Happy?" It makes me smile as the tune runs through my head. So I give this music to you. Let it run in your head as you go through your day and see if, at the end of the day, you are just that, happy.

I'm smiling at you kid,

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Beauty Comes From Within


I enjoy going to art exhibits because it gives me an opportunity to get into the psyche of the artist. I find it fascinating to know why they paint what they do. This weekend I was able to have a glimpse into the life of Andrew Wyeth and his son Jamie Wyeth at an exhibit at the Denver Art Museum.

What intrigued me was that they did not veer far from their homes.  They lived in Pennsylvania and summered on an island in Maine. Their works are of the land and the people who lived around them. In order to fully capture the essence of their subjects, they would spend weeks with them, sketching and becoming familiar with who or what they were painting. Jamie even did this with a cow he chose to paint. Andrew spoke of the beauty in the blades of grass that he so eloquently captured.

My observation is this, how can we let go of judgments of others? What if we spent an entire week with them? Not just being at work with them or living with them but really being the observer of how they interact with their environment. Even if we cannot do this, we do have an opportunity to see the essence of who they are by paying attention, by being in the moment with them and listening to their words, noticing their expressions and how they interact with the people and things around them.

Look for the beauty in those you have difficulties with and it will ease your stress and open your heart. On this grey day in Colorado, I recall the grey sky of the Wyeth paintings and how beautiful they are.

Beauty comes from within.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

What Is Our Purpose?

Photo Courtesy of NASA

In meditation today I was contemplating the purpose of life in the human form. The concept has been understood to be that we take human form to develop our emotional body, but I sense there is more to it than that. When we are spirit, though we have an emotional body, one that can transform our spirit and allow it to grow, we do not have the capability to create as we do here on earth.

In a human form, we can create things that are solid, things that inspire others through our writings, words, actions, and voice. We can manifest incredible beauty that will affect others beyond our capacity to see. It is important that we do not loose sight of how we are inspiring others and the effect we can and do have on the world. Perhaps as the new year dawns, you might want to take a moment or two to reflect on how you have made a difference in this world, because we all do.

As I look back upon the last ten years, I recall how I have brought beauty into the world by remodeling four homes and their gardens. Granted I am no longer with two of these homes, but their beauty endures as do their gardens which continue to grow. Every person who walks by the land or enters the home has the opportunity to enjoy the love I placed there with my energy and creativity. Although it is up to the people who now live there to maintain what was originally created, I got the ball rolling, and even if the location deteriorates it does not diminish the love that has been anchored there.

When you look back at what you have accomplished do not get stuck in how those people, things, or locations are today. Recall your objective at the time and know your good intentions have anchored love onto this planet. And isn’t that what it is all about?

With love,
Marnie Vincolisi