Friday, October 14, 2016

Clearing Your Space of Ghostly Interference

As we get close to Halloween, what better time than now to remove those unwanted, out-of-body guests from your home or office? Yes, I am talking about ghosts. You may think your space is free from those pesky intruders, but if you are finding your computer acting up, contracts are falling through, or family and coworkers are becoming unnecessarily agitated, there may be interference from outside sources. All of this can be resolved rather quickly.

I do not see ghosts as scary, merely misplaced souls. As in daily life, one can lose one's way and end up on a wrong street going in the wrong direction. This is how I approach the removal of spirits. There is nothing to fear.  They cannot harm you. They do not have a body, and if they follow you home, there are ways to keep them out of harms way and redirected to the proper place.

Helping souls to a different dimension does not need to be a timely process, but having the proper tools and instructions will be advantageous to your success. In one evening you can clear a space and safely rally souls from a place of confusion.

Make this your Halloween project. Join me on October 25, in person or online, to learn how to successfully help disembodied beings move into the light. We will look at the homes or offices of those who attend class and learn how to clean up their space.  You will go home feeling relieved and ready for your Halloween celebration.

I welcome all boo-tiful people to the class.

Floating through life,

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