Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Bring the Election into a New Light

Photo courtesy NASA
The presidential election is just around the corner and has many Americans struggling with what is presented before them. One can become quite confused and even angry if you allow it to happen. I am proposing another way to look at this seemingly negative situation.

Our presidential candidates are actually channeling the negative energy that has been prevalent in our country for years. Now it is coming to a head and being reflected in the people we choose to elect. So as the days dwindle and the election comes closer rather than allowing the media to control your emotions, change your thinking into a place of compassion, love and balance. Blaze light around all the candidates and proposed amendments. Know the people presented to us have the difficult job of being the figureheads of the imbalance of our county. They are pawns; support them with love. Do not let what they say move you from knowing that divine order is always the final say.

We are a country that was created because our forefathers desired freedom from the dictates of a king. That truth of our freedom will hold true if we visualize an outcome that will serve us as a nation. I trust that the Light will always prevail, even if we cannot see it happening.

Light is there!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Clearing Your Space of Ghostly Interference

As we get close to Halloween, what better time than now to remove those unwanted, out-of-body guests from your home or office? Yes, I am talking about ghosts. You may think your space is free from those pesky intruders, but if you are finding your computer acting up, contracts are falling through, or family and coworkers are becoming unnecessarily agitated, there may be interference from outside sources. All of this can be resolved rather quickly.

I do not see ghosts as scary, merely misplaced souls. As in daily life, one can lose one's way and end up on a wrong street going in the wrong direction. This is how I approach the removal of spirits. There is nothing to fear.  They cannot harm you. They do not have a body, and if they follow you home, there are ways to keep them out of harms way and redirected to the proper place.

Helping souls to a different dimension does not need to be a timely process, but having the proper tools and instructions will be advantageous to your success. In one evening you can clear a space and safely rally souls from a place of confusion.

Make this your Halloween project. Join me on October 25, in person or online, to learn how to successfully help disembodied beings move into the light. We will look at the homes or offices of those who attend class and learn how to clean up their space.  You will go home feeling relieved and ready for your Halloween celebration.

I welcome all boo-tiful people to the class.

Floating through life,

Friday, October 7, 2016

Animal-Assisted Healing Energy

If you think animals are not in-tune to healing energy, think again. One of the Reiki practitioners that I trained allows her horses to join in on her Reiki sessions. She sets up her massage table in the field where horses graze. Below is her account.

“Typically the horses are walking around, eating, biting each other, playing, but not during the session. They were so focused and calm. Notice their eyes in the photos. The person receiving the treatment is scheduled for shoulder surgery; the horses picked up on it immediately. They also spent a lot of time at her solar plexus. When I ended the session, they both walked away and did their typical horsey things. SO powerful and beautiful!!”

My suggestion for this week is to focus on your pets and notice how they respond when you are meditating or giving a Reiki treatment to yourself or another. You just may find they are assisting the process. Don’t forget to thank them.

With love,