The need for control runs rampant in our society. Its
reflection can be seen in our laws, politics, religion, family values,
fundamentalist beliefs, and personal relationships. How does control rear its
ugly head in your life? Would you describe yourself as the controller or the
controllee and is there really a difference? Understanding why control is a
problem in your life will help relieve it. Why does someone feel the need to
control? Is there a way of living in harmony with controlling people in a
controlling society? Are they a reflection of our own need to control?
Are you the controller or the controllee and is there
really a difference?
Let’s start by looking at the controller. Why do they act the way they do? When someone is
constantly telling you what to do, how to look and what you should be saying,
they are really telling you that they do not know what they should do, how they
should look and what they should say. They are unsure of their decisions but
attempt to hide it by controlling others around them. Their uncertainty is
often buried so deep, they are unaware of what is driving their emotions.
Early family programming creates this type of behavior. An old Indian proverb tells us to not judge another man until you have walked in his
shoes. The best way to understand the controller in your life is to change your
perspective. At first this will be done in the mind. Let the mind imagine how the controller’s life must have been early on. If you know
incidents that happened to them in their youth, think about how those
situations must have impacted them. Do not see your controller as an adult. See
them as a child because when they are attempting to control, they are not
acting from their adult self, they are acting as a child. When children act out
it is often because they are injured, frightened, confused, feel powerless or unsure
of themselves. Let your intellect conceptualize this
understanding and then anchor it into your heart.
Now you have created a
state of compassion. Here is where peace abides. It can also become a place of
clarity where you let go of ideas and concepts about others and see them with
new eyes. As you do this, the space in your heart will become open and clear.
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