Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Land of the Free, Home of the Brave

I just returned from a tour of our grand eastern sea board and I was overwhelmed by a feeling of gratitude for being in "the land of the free and the home of the brave." It seemed like everywhere I turned I was reminded of the brave souls who made this country what it is today: a land of diversity. So many of our freedoms are often taken for granted because we did not live at the time they were given or we were not in a part of the country that was challenging our constitutional rights.

I began my tour in the calming state of Maine with its lush foliage, gentle breezes from the sea, and fresh clean air. It eases a hurried mind allowing it to open to the creativity which lies inside waiting to be expressed. While sitting on the water I could see how the great writers of our day have been inspired. As I traveled from Boston to Maine it was surprising to see how quickly I could travel  across state lines. It made me realize how close our 13 original colonies were to each other and yet so diverse. Who were these brave settlers and what must they have been made of to leave their mother land and venture out for something new?

I understood how the people of Philadelphia must have felt. I was there on July 8th, the anniversary of the original public reading of the Declaration of Independence. There is an annual reenactment of this event and all tourists are invited to join along. This was my first sense of the bravery of not only our founding fathers but the everyday people who stood up against the King of England.

At the Liberty Bell there were exhibits of brave American citizens who have lived in our great land for the past 200 plus years. They included people who stood up against slavery, supported a woman's right to vote, Native American  rights and other civil liberties. We owe so much to the people who created the laws that gave us liberty and justice for all. I am not sure if I could stand up to an opposing force as they did when the threat of being tarred and feathered was the punishment for expressing my discontent.

Did you know it was 50 years ago when four brave young men sat at a segregated lunch counter in the South to stand up for their constitutional rights? Could I have stepped into the freedom bus knowing that beatings and death could be at the end of my ride? All I know for sure is that my heart goes out to these souls who made this land a safe place for all of us to live no matter what the color of our skin.

So I ask you to take a moment this week and send light and love to those who you feel have stood up for truth and freedom at all cost. Recall the times when you were called upon to be brave and honor yourself for the small steps you have made in your  life. These brave men and women are our ancestors.We have their bravery in our DNA. Call up this quality right now to help you achieve your goals.

Proud to be here (in America and on the Earth).

I stand by you and honor you,
Marnie Vincolisi

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