Wednesday, March 8, 2017

What is Your Heart Telling You?

When you have turmoil or confusion showing up in your life, there is a way to resolve this. The first thing one often does is look for answers. This takes you into your thoughts, which rarely seem to solve anything. It often brings in too much information and clouds decision-making.

Next time try looking into your heart. It is a place of peace. Within the stillness of your heart are the answers you seek. The easiest way to find a solution is by touching that heartfelt stillness during meditation. Sit quietly and use this process:
  1. Imagine opening your chakras.
  2. Your mind may stray. Do not reprimand it.
  3. Redirect your thoughts when you realize you have wandered.
  4. To help the mind stay focused, pretend to see a color in your heart center.
  5. Remain in the calmness of your mind and you will find new thoughts arising.
  6. These thoughts are positive images that will still the turmoil and clear the confusion.
  7. There are times when you do not require a directive, merely peace.
From my heart to yours,

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