Wednesday, September 17, 2014


In this fast paced world, decisions are made in a split second. The business environment demands a quick response leaving little time for thought, usually requiring a decision within a few hours or if lucky perhaps, within a day. The holidays are fast approaching and our priorities will soon be tested.

How will you know what to do?What is important to you? With whom would you want to spend your time? When there is no one around, how will you fill your day? How can you get clear and make the correct choices?

Balanced decisions come from the heart, not the head, but how do you know the foundation of these feelings?  Focus on each chakra during your meditation to recognize the feeling held within each energy center. When information needs to be accessed, you can then be familiar with the sensation held within your chakra. Thus the origin of the decision.

Regular meditations will begin to give your mind a reprieve from the everyday stress and strain of decision making. When your mind realizes it will have R&R for brief periods (about 20 minutes) each day, it will begin to reorganize its thoughts. Then when fast responses are needed, clarity of mind will be at hand.

Chakra meditations can be found on my CDs and in my Reiki books, all of which can be purchased online at There is a “Life Tool” (Marnie’s guided imagery meditations) specific for chakras. Send your request for a chakra meditation and I will email one specifically for that chakra to you.

Many Blessings,
Marnie Vincolisi

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