Friday, May 30, 2014

Express Your Creativity with Love

During a recent weekend, I enjoyed a whirlwind of creative activities. I went to an art opening at a local gallery and attended a number of great performances. All this activity gave me the opportunity to see how personal creativity can open hearts and help us heal.

So often I hear how metaphysical people want to help others by teaching or doing some type of hands-on healing, but they do not realize how they are helping others by just being themselves. It is the presence of your being which moves and inspires people. Let me explain.

The gallery owner had a natural talent for locating unusual artists and knowing how to spatially place their work for the best viewing. This may seem simple enough to him, but it created a feeling of fresh air and movement in his store which allowed his patrons to relax, release stress, and appreciate the art.

After attending a dance performance, I became aware of how just the right dancers and choreographers were brought together to set the mood and drive home a point. Without commentary, the audience was able to feel the religious as well as political trials of blacks living in the 1930s. The jazz uplifted my heart and I noticed how the producers presence alone inspired me to feel my own gifts.

In a stunning ballet performance that weekend, as I watched the main character dance across the stage, I felt her heart go out to the audience. The ballets story line also expressed how our higher self can give us everything our heart desires, if we stay open to receiving it.

All of these artists touched the hearts of others, and brought healing light and joy without ever physically touching the body. Take a moment to recognize how you touch others, perhaps with just a smile. You never know how your kindness can lift another and make a difference in their day and perhaps their life. Today, start by smiling at yourself and then let it spread.

Many Blessings,
Marnie Vincolisi

Sunday, May 25, 2014

How Releasing Baggage Can Clear Your Mind

vacuuming When I suggest releasing baggage, I’m not talking about the emotional kind. I’m referring to  the physical stuff that has been hanging around you for years. Where is it? Is it in the garage, the basement, your closet, the kitchen drawers?  You know where it is. There are also the hidden places that you never think of looking. Now may be the time to clean out the clutter and clear your mind. This is a physical process that will transform into a spiritual practice as well.

This is not just a quick fix so be prepared to give it time. It may take months. Letting go comes in stages. First you clear away the obvious clutter you are tripping over in the garage, the place where you store the vehicle that propels you through life. Do you want to move forward? Then you’d better make a space for that to happen.

What else is in your garage and why are you keeping it?  If you believe it’s about money, ask yourself if you will really use this in the future? Then figure out how much money you are saving by keeping it. Does this hold enough value? Is the item you are clinging to obsolete? Are the ones which are made now more efficient? Can you rent one instead and not have this old form hanging around?  

Look at each item and make a conscious choice around its place in your life rather than ignoring it exists. This form of conscious behavior will translate into other parts of your life which also need attention. Clean out one corner and notice how it feels. The lightness and clarity will give you the initiative to continue with this clearing process.

So often we try to change by reading books, taking seminars and talk therapy, which all have value but the change happens when action occurs. Everything has energy and when you take the time to transfer that energy by discarding old, unused, obsolete items, all the work you have done with these classes and books begins to take form. Now there is space for your energy field to integrate the information you have stored all these years.

You’ve got a three-day weekend coming up. Why not make it a time to begin discarding old energy that’s holding you back. Try it and let me know how it works.

Marnie Vincolisi

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Black Hole vs. Black Whole

I must tell you about an amazing and informative DVD called "Black Hole."  Not to be mistaken with "The Black  Hole" by Disney. Massim Haramein, a physiatrist, has discovered and shown through Sacred Geometry what lies in the seeming emptiness of space. He claims the black holes of space probably should be considered black wholes because of what is found within them. And within this emptiness of space he shows how we are all connected; to each other, to nature and far beyond, out into the stars.

One could become quite confused with his scientific language, axioms, and formulas, but that is not where the gift of his information resides. It is found within his heart. What a concept for a scientist. As I listened to his findings, I removed my thought from trying to understand how he came to his conclusions and instead paid attention to his energy, for that is what he is actually talking about - energy, and how it encompasses every part of everything.

Listening to his lecture is similar to being at a concert and enjoying the performers. These people have spent their entire lives honing their skills. We are then washed over by their gifts. Haramein has followed a similar path. He speaks of his youth when he questioned science and made his own discoveries while riding home in a school bus.

There is no way one can conceptualize the formulas in his presentation unless you are a physiatrist yourself. So don't stress yourself out. Relax and tune into the excitement Haramein has for the years he has put into his work. Breathe it all in with the images he has to explain these formulas.

His presentation is quite balanced. He fills your left brain with scientific proof which scrambles your thoughts, and then he entertains your right brain with beautiful visuals to emphasize his point. I have studied Sacred Geometry for years, and I am delighted to see how this enlightened scientist brings it all together. 

When I listen to music, I do not try to understand each note, their correlation to each other and how the composer came to arrange them in this manner. I merely sit back and enjoy the sound. I suggest you do the same while watching "Black Hole."

Black Hole featuring Nassim Harramein distributed by Gaiam

Marnie Vincolisi

Friday, May 9, 2014

Who's Your Mama?

Mother's Day is coming up in a few days and for some of us, this holiday can be challenging. Many of us have lost our moms. Some never had a good relationship with their mom. Some worry about whether they are a good mom.

So what should you do if Mother's Day confuses you? Give thanks for the greatest mom on the planet: Mother Earth! She never leaves you empty. All you need to do is open your eyes, and she will grant you peace. Find a sunset, a river, a tree, even the smallest flower, and you will see the beauty that awaits you.

Even with your eyes closed, Mother Earth can bring a smile to your face. Recall the scent in the air after a spring rain, or the smell of a lilac bush, or the fresh air when you exit your office after you've been confined inside the entire day. This is how she greets you and says "hello, you matter to me, I love you."

So as you celebrate (or not) on this day devoted to mothers, remember to take a moment and give love back to that girl who nurtures you without asking. She is always there and never asks for anything in return: our Mother Earth. 

From the Best Nona on Earth (so says Isabella),