Friday, August 21, 2015

The Blessings Brought By Our Experiences

During a spiritual journey not all experiences are meant to challenge the spirit. Many bless it.

One of our blessings, the Crestone tour, resulted from spending time at a delightful spa in New Mexico called Ojo Caliente ( While soaking in the natural springs there, irritants from our bug bites where gently pulled out of our skin while we relaxed in baths of natural soda, iron, arsenic, and other minerals from the land.

I found the soda bath to be very nurturing. It brought to mind how Cleopatra might have felt as she soaked in her baths. This gave me the opportunity to move into a past life and entertain the idea of what it was like to live in Egypt long ago. We slathered mud all over out bodies and let it dry and tighten our skin in the sun. It was all so soothing and at the end of our spa adventure the itching was gone.

It is so easy In the summer to enjoy the gifts that nature has in store for us. Go out and find your joy. Nature will direct you.

Many blessings,
Marnie Vincolisi

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