Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Laugh in the Face of Trouble

Do you know what your best defense is when there are difficulties to master? First become neutral to the outcome.  Next find the humor in it. There is always a lighter side so stop and look for it.

You can create a neutral energy around any situation. Imagine your body as a computer and throw the switch to the other side. I am told computers are made up of numbers – two to be exact: zeros and ones. (If there are any computer geeks out there that find I am explaining this incorrectly, please inform me.) Neutrality is within reach so try not to be attached to the end result. I use a process of correcting your body energetically so this can take effect.

Once the corrections are in place,  your psyche can see the situation in a new light. There are ways to create humor in every scenario that will not invalidate anyone or any concept. You just may find when you get others laughing, they come up with ideas that make the project go smoother and faster.

Example: Halloween is Friday, what could you do on that day to lighten a difficult situation? Be creative. You can get away with almost anything on All Hallow’s Eve.

Many blessings,
Marnie Vincolisi

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